Weight-loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, is a safe and proven way to produce significant weight loss for morbidly obese people

If you are 100 pounds or more over your ideal body weight and the usual diets have failed, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Temple can help you take control of your health and change your life forever.

With more than 3,000 surgeries performed, we have devoted the necessary resources to provide you with comprehensive care and achieve high standards in patient education and safety, surgical results, pre-surgical counseling and long-term post-surgical care. Learn more about our informational seminars, lifestyle change classes and bariatric support groups.

Our weight loss program has been received the Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Distinction + and a Healthcare Center of Excellence, meaning some patients who may not have qualified for insurance coverage may now qualify. Centers with the Center of Excellence distinction have lower complication rates and fewer readmissions.

Am I a candidate for weight-loss surgery?

Qualifications for surgery may vary by location, but can include a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. However, most insurances require a BMI of 35 or greater with a comorbid condition*.

* Las enfermedades comórbidas causadas por la obesidad incluyen:

  • Tipo 2 diabetes
  • Colesterol alto
  • Alta presion sanguinea
  • Enfermedad del corazón y derrame cerebral
  • Apnea del sueño
  • Asma
  • Artritis y articulaciones
  • La enfermedad de reflujo y la pirosis

Opciones de cirugía

At the Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Temple, we offer two minimally invasive bariatric surgical procedures to qualifying patients weighing at least 100 pounds more than their ideal body weight.

Laparoscópica Roux-en-Y Gastric Byp ass

El estándar actual por el cual se miden otras operaciones de pérdida de peso. En este procedimiento, se crea una pequeña bolsa en el estómago que pasa por alto una parte del intestino delgado. Esto restringe la cantidad de alimentos que puede comer y las calorías que su cuerpo puede absorber.

Gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica en manga

In this procedure, the surgeon removes a large portion of your stomach. The smaller stomach limits the amount of food you can eat by making you feel full after eating small meals.

Bariatric surgery support services

Take your first step in the Baylor Scott & White Health bariatric surgery program for weight loss by contacting our department at 254.724.2397.

Our staff will assist you in determining if your insurance has bariatric benefits and help you schedule your consultation with one of our surgeons.

  • Pre-operative education

    Our pre-operative education classes for gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are facilitated in a classroom setting by a bariatric board-certified dietitian. This education will help begin your transition to healthy lifestyle behaviors that will improve your overall health and well-being,

    • You MUST attend one education class prior to surgery. This requirement is now combined with the New Nutrition education and available online, or in an in-person classroom setting. You can contact our department at 254.724.2397 to schedule.
    • During this class, information about healthy food choices, meal planning, and exercise will be provided and discussed in detail. A review of our five program guidelines is incorporated into the discussion.
    • If you have a Gastric Bypass/Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient Manual, please bring it with you.


  • Bariatric surgery support group

    Each month, Baylor Scott & White hosts virtual support groups for patients to share experiences and assist each other in the preoperative and postoperative process of weight loss and maintenance. All adjustable gastric band, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy patients are welcome to gain information and support. 

    Bariatric support groups are offered virtually every first Thursday of the month at 5:15 - 6:15 PM. A different topic will be covered each month. In 2022, groups are scheduled to meet on:

    • enero 6
    • febrero 3
    • marzo 3
    • abril 7
    • mayo 5
    • junio 2
    • julio 7
    • agosto 4
    • septiembre 1
    • octubre 6
    • noviembre 3
    • diciembre 1

    For schedule updates, please contact us at 254.724.2397.

    Después de su cirugía, nuestro personal de apoyo lo ayudará a comenzar su nueva vida. No solo ganará salud, energía y confianza, sino también la seguridad de que tiene un grupo de apoyo fuerte y confiable disponible para ayudarlo a modificar y mantener su nuevo estilo de vida saludable. Las reuniones del grupo de apoyo normalmente son facilitadas por Rosemary Ramsey, LCSW.

     If you are ready for a healthier and satisfying lifestyle, don’t let another day pass by without getting the information and support you need to make sustainable changes. Our dedicated professionals are here to help you reach your goals for good health and well-being.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • ¿Mi seguro médico cubrirá la cirugía de pérdida de peso?

    Contact our office at 254.724.2397 to have your benefits verified.

  • ¿Cuánto tiempo después del procedimiento me llevará bajar de peso?

    Esto depende de qué procedimiento se realice, qué tan estrictamente siga las instrucciones posteriores a la cirugía y cuánto exceso de peso necesita perder.

  • ¿Cómo cambiarán mi dieta y mi rutina de ejercicios después de la cirugía para bajar de peso?

    Recibirá instrucciones específicas según el tipo de procedimiento de pérdida de peso que tenga, pero se aplicarán las siguientes cinco pautas:

    • Eat your protein first—at least half of each meal
    • ¡Sin meriendas! Come solo dos o tres comidas pequeñas por día
    • Drink lots of water—80 ounces per day
    • Haga ejercicio 60 minutos todos los días, siete días a la semana.
    • Take your vitamin and mineral supplements daily collapse
  • ¿Puedo beber algo además del agua entre comidas?

    Sí, pero las opciones son limitadas. Puede tomar bebidas sin azúcar que no contengan calorías, cafeína o carbonatación. Por ejemplo, puede beber limonada sin azúcar diluida pero no refrescos de dieta.

  • ¿Con qué frecuencia se requieren citas de seguimiento después de la cirugía para bajar de peso?

    After gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the patient is typically scheduled for follow-up appointments at one week, two weeks, six weeks, three months, six months, and twelve months. Thereafter, follow-up appointments can be scheduled as needed.

    After adjustable gastric banding surgery, the patient is scheduled for monthly follow-up appointments for the first 12 months. Thereafter, periodic weight checks are scheduled during the next six years; follow-up appointments can also be scheduled as needed.

  • ¿Puedo seguir tomando mis medicamentos actuales antes y después de la cirugía?

    Before your surgery, you will receive specific medication instructions from the bariatric surgery team. There are some medications you may need to stop taking before surgery such as diabetes medications, female hormones, birth control pills, Plavix®, Coumadin®, diuretics or "water pills."

    Después de su cirugía, ciertos medicamentos solo deben tomarse con el permiso de nuestro equipo, incluidos: aspirina, ibuprofeno, naproxeno y cualquier otro medicamento antiinflamatorio no esteroideo (AINE).

    Bypass gástrico o pacientes con cirugía de gastrectomía en manga: después de la cirugía, todos sus medicamentos deberán estar en forma líquida, masticable o aplastable durante los primeros dos meses.

    Pacientes con cirugía de banda gástrica ajustable: después de la cirugía, todos sus medicamentos deberán estar en forma líquida, masticable o aplastable durante los primeros 10 días. Después de 10 días, puede tomar píldoras sólidas con dos onzas de agua.