Chemical and laser peels

El rejuvenecimiento cutáneo con láser, también conocido como exfoliación con láser, vaporización con láser o lasabrasión, suaviza la piel restaurando las áreas dañadas por el sol, suavizando las líneas finas y corrigiendo la pigmentación desigual.

Chemical peeling uses a chemical solution to improve the skin's appearance. It can reduce or eliminate fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, correct uneven skin pigmentation, remove pre-cancerous skin growths and soften the signs of acne. A chemical peel can also treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and scarring, as well as skin blemishes common with age and heredity. Chemical peels can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and legs.

Facial cosmetic procedures

  • Levantamiento de cejas

    Levantamiento de cejas

    A brow lift, or forehead lift, elevates drooping brows and improves brow lines and furrows.

  • Cirugía de oreja

    Cirugía de oreja

    Otoplasty, or ear surgery, is performed to change the size and/or shape of protuberant or prominent ears. While most often performed on children, this procedure can sometimes be appropriate for adults as well.

  • Cirugía de párpado

    Cirugía de párpado

    Eyelid surgery removes excess fat and/or drooping skin of the upper and lower eyelids to correct both cosmetic and inherited problems due to excess skin.

  • Lifting facial

    Lifting facial

    A facelift, also called rhytidectomy, is designed to remove deep creases and sagging skin of the face. Facelift surgery involves tightening the skin and muscles of the face and neck to restore a more youthful appearance.

  • Implantes faciales

    Implantes faciales

    Facial augmentation through facial implants can change the shape of features and /or the balance of your features. Common facial implants include chin, cheekbones or jaw line.

  • Lifting de cuello

    Lifting de cuello

    A neck lift corrects the appearance of loose, sagging skin in the neck area and under the jaw to restore youthful contours.

  • Cirugía de naríz

    Cirugía de naríz

    Nose surgery, also called rhinoplasty, involves the re-sculpting of the bone and cartilage and, in some cases, can correct breathing problems. The procedure can reshape the tip, change the angle or reduce the size of your nose, creating a better balance of your facial features.

Levantamiento de cejas

A brow lift, or forehead lift, elevates drooping brows and improves brow lines and furrows.

Cirugía de oreja

Otoplasty, or ear surgery, is performed to change the size and/or shape of protuberant or prominent ears. While most often performed on children, this procedure can sometimes be appropriate for adults as well.

Cirugía de párpado

Eyelid surgery removes excess fat and/or drooping skin of the upper and lower eyelids to correct both cosmetic and inherited problems due to excess skin.

Lifting facial

A facelift, also called rhytidectomy, is designed to remove deep creases and sagging skin of the face. Facelift surgery involves tightening the skin and muscles of the face and neck to restore a more youthful appearance.

Implantes faciales

Facial augmentation through facial implants can change the shape of features and /or the balance of your features. Common facial implants include chin, cheekbones or jaw line.

Lifting de cuello

A neck lift corrects the appearance of loose, sagging skin in the neck area and under the jaw to restore youthful contours.

Cirugía de naríz

Nose surgery, also called rhinoplasty, involves the re-sculpting of the bone and cartilage and, in some cases, can correct breathing problems. The procedure can reshape the tip, change the angle or reduce the size of your nose, creating a better balance of your facial features.

Revisión de cicatriz

While no scar can be removed completely, plastic surgeons can often improve the appearance of a scar, making it less obvious through the injection or application of certain steroid medications or through surgical procedures known as scar revisions.

BÓTOX® Tratamientos, rellenos dérmicos e inyecciones de grasa.

BÓTOX® Los tratamientos eliminan las líneas finas y las arrugas debilitando los pequeños músculos faciales que causan las patas de gallo alrededor de los ojos y las líneas de expresión entre las cejas. Las inyecciones de BOTOX® pueden ofrecer resultados inmediatos sin necesidad de cirugía y sin necesidad de tiempo adicional para la recuperación.

Rellenos dérmicos como Restylane® rellenos, Juvederm rellenos y Radiesse® Los rellenos ofrecen muchas opciones, como realzar los labios, corregir las líneas finas alrededor de los ojos y la boca, corregir los pliegues profundos, crear labios más llenos y dar forma al contorno facial, como las mejillas y el mentón.

Fat grafting, or fat injections, can be used to fill deep lines and improve contours and facial shape from the loss of volume associated with aging. Fat is removed from the hips or stomach and transferred to the selected site. This technique can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures to provide comprehensive facial reshaping