20 conclusiones de 2020

Salud mental

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Lo s. Lo sé. La mayoría de nosotros preferiríamos dejar 2020 en retrospectiva y mirar solo los ojos esperanzados de 2021. En un momento lleno de incertidumbre y pérdida, estoy ahí contigo. Sin embargo, al terminar este año al revés, puede ser útil reflexionar sobre lo que nos han enseñado los días impredecibles. 

Cada experiencia, pensamiento y emoción, ya sea agradable o desagradable, es información. Mindfulness nos enseña que podemos observar esta información, sin juzgar, y luego elegir qué hacer con esta nueva visión.

Por lo tanto, antes de desear que se vaya el año pasado, lo invito a que abra bien los ojos y eche un vistazo más de cerca a lo que puede descubrir en 2021. Aquí hay 20 cosas que 2020 me ha enseñado sobre la vida, el trabajo, la salud y todo lo demás.

1. Podemos pivotar.

Si 2020 tuviera una palabra, podría ser "pivote". ¿O es la “nueva normalidad”? Casi de la noche a la mañana nos vimos obligados a cambiar de dirección una y otra vez, dejándonos a muchos mareados. Y aunque el cambio de rumbo puede no haber sido bienvenido, puede recordarnos nuestra brillante capacidad de adaptación. A través del trabajo, la familia y los amigos, he visto tanta persistencia y gracia este año. ¿Quizás la palabra "pivote" en realidad necesita ser "pirueta"?

2. Los alimentos no pueden hacerte inmune, pero pueden apoyar tu inmunidad.

We didn’t go through just a season of contagious illnesses this year — we are coming close to an entire year of it. And while food cannot cure or prevent you from contracting a disease, vitamins A, C, D and E as well as Zinc and protein are all dietitian approved nutrition tips to help keep your immune system ready for the twirls.

3. El ejercicio no tiene que ser definido.

If your definition of exercise was one hour of weights and cardio in a gym, your tune probably changed this year. The closings of community centers and gyms has pushed us to get creative with our workouts. So now, a quick HIIT routine at home between Zoom calls is a thing of the future.

4. “Espacio de trabajo” se ha convertido en un término fluido.

What does workspace mean to you now? For me, it’s my kitchen table looking out the window at the ducks. For others, it might be back in the office one day and in your living room the next. Wherever you are working, you can make your space your own.

5. El aislamiento puede ser auto-empoderador.

Being physically alone more than usual this year did not necessarily translate to being lonely. While technology has allowed for us to stay connected, more alone time may have opened space for more focus on the self.

6. La alimentación emocional tiene su lugar.

In tummy-ultuous (get it?) times, food can be one thing that brings you joy and excitement. When you are conscious about the decision to eat because you are excited, bored or even sad, you are emotionally eating — and it’s normal and even 100% okay.

7. La autocompasión es más importante que nunca.

You’re the only self you have, and you deserve your own kindness. I personally find that when I show myself the same compassion I would show a friend, my capacity for compassion in other aspects of my life only grows. 

8. Los límites se pueden establecer y restablecer.

With so many unknowns, we may have found ourselves in uncomfortable situations warranting uncomfortable conversations. I have learned the importance of planning for these conversations and the role impermanence plays when setting boundaries. 

9. Podemos crear nuevas tradiciones y conservar las antiguas.

Both are solid gold! While holiday celebrations most likely didn’t look or feel the same as in the past, many of use were able to meld old traditions into sparkly new and safe ones. Let’s keep that positive mindset going into 2021, whatever it may hold.

10. Podemos crear nuevos hábitos y aprender de los viejos.

Did you know that habits, both good and bad, are formed by the same process? Now is a good time to evaluate your pandemic-induced habits and decide which ones to keep and which no longer serve you. 

11. El sueño puede eludir lo mejor de nosotros.  

Even those of us with a solid bedtime routine may have struggled with fewer Zzz’s this year. Not getting enough sleep can lead to consequences in your already stressful day-to-day life. So, if you are noticing more sleepless nights, it’s time to dedicate some quality time to getting quality sleep.

12. Las preocupaciones por la salud no se toman un respiro.

Serious health conditions don’t wait to attack until a pandemic is over, and neither should you. While the hospital is probably the last place you want to be, it’s a place that can save your life in an emergency. The same is true for routine check-ups and screenings. With all of the safety protocols and virtual options now set in place, there’s virtually no reason to skip your doctor appointments.  

13. La risa es contagiosa.  

During a pandemic, a good chuckle is one of the only things you probably want to catch. And while there are plentiful physiological benefits to laughter, I have found that a big belly laugh has been a key connector during a time of so much disconnection.

14. La atención plena todavía está zumbando.

And I don’t think it will ever go out of style. Mindfulness really doesn’t have any “rules” and can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

15. La gratitud es gratificante.

While finding gratitude during a pandemic might seem like a trying task, expressing appreciation can be a great way to start small. There are so many things to be grateful for if you look for them. A great practice is to write down three things you’re thankful for every day. One of them could be that gratitude journal you just bought.

16. Los sentimientos pueden hacer crecer los sentimientos.

As it turns out, meta-emotions, or feelings about feelings, are a thing. Feeling sad about being sad or even happy during a stressful time is actually a normal experience. And chances are, the more we ignore these emotions, the more power they have. Noticing your meta-emotions is the first step in learning why they are there in the first place.

17. El acné tiene un nuevo nombre.

As if we didn’t have enough on our plates, “maskne” decided to show its face. Yet, as quickly as it came about, our healthcare workers were there to help with the breakouts, so we didn’t have to breakdown. A simple skin-care routine can help keep your skin clear.

18. Los niños son resistentes.

Our kids have been going through these many changes with us. And, while there are many ways we can support them in coping with the ever-shifting normal, I have learned we can also look to our kids to guide us in how they want to be supported. For example, my 4-year-old has come up with many creative ideas for fun things to do when we are stuck at home. Allow them to teach you, too!

19. No todos los héroes usan capa.

Our frontline healthcare workers have put their lives on the line to keep us safe. In addition to Super, Spider and Batman, my son now knows that many heroes actually wear scrubs. And while this group of super humans may not have had the time to care for themselves this year, there are many ways we can help care for those who care for us. Starting with staying home. I’m sure they would rather be regular ole heroes than super pandemic heroes.

20. Los héroes están todos entre nosotros.

Los que no están en primera línea tal vez estén proporcionando nuestros medicamentos, manteniendo a flote nuestros restaurantes favoritos, sirviendo nuestra comida, llevando nuestros comestibles a nuestros automóviles o puertas de entrada, estudiando nuestros virus, enseñando a nuestros hijos, desinfectando nuestros edificios, y mucho más. más.

Escuche, sé que hemos pasado por momentos oscuros este año, algunos más que otros. Y muchos todavía están luchando. El nuevo año no traerá automáticamente una varita mágica para solucionar todo el sufrimiento de 2020. Pero brinda la oportunidad de mirar el año pasado a través de una lente diferente. Brindemos por una visión más clara y un optimismo continuo en 2021.

Lo hacemos fácil.

La atención médica no tiene por qué ser difícil. Constantemente buscamos maneras de hacerlo más fácil para que usted pueda mejorar y permanecer así.

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