19 formas rápidas y sencillas de reducir los residuos de comida y plástico

Estilo de vida

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Sostenibilidad, pajitas compostables, libres de residuos, respetuosas con el medio ambiente: todas estas son palabras de moda que flotan en las noticias, orientando al público a luchar contra los residuos compuestos que se acumulan en nuestro planeta. Con las principales industrias uniéndose públicamente al viaje, como cafeterías y restaurantes que rediseñan sus tapas de plástico y ciudades que imponen una prohibición de las bolsas de plástico, parece que la campaña para reducir los desechos está en plena vigencia. 

Pero, ¿son realmente necesarios todos estos esfuerzos? Y si tenemos un problema entre manos, ¿qué diferencia pueden realmente hacer estos pequeños cambios?

Desperdicio de alimentos en números

First, let’s look at some of the data.

  • 133 mil millones de libras de desperdicio de alimentos se producen anualmente.
  • 7% de esos residuos contribuyen a las emisiones generales de gases de efecto invernadero.
  • De todos los productos que se cultivan, procesan y transportan dentro de EE. UU., el 25-40 % no se toca ni se consume.
  • La cantidad de desperdicio de alimentos producido por persona por día asciende aproximadamente a 1,250 calorías.

Los números presentan un caso válido: el desperdicio es un problema y continuará agravándose si las acciones y actitudes no cambian. Si bien la campaña ambiental y de sustentabilidad parece una hazaña insoportable para que cualquier persona realmente haga un cambio, hay ciertas cosas que cualquiera puede hacer para comenzar a generar su propio impacto.

19 formas de comprar y comer de forma más sostenible

Aquí hay algunas áreas en las que puede comenzar a reducir su propia producción de desechos hoy.

Cómo reducir el desperdicio de alimentos

Food is an area of waste that is of vital importance. Whenever we eat, drink or grocery shop, we can’t overlook food waste. Why? Food waste not only affects landfill pile up and gas emissions, but it also impacts areas of food insecurity. A 15% reduction in total food waste would be enough to feed 25 million Americans. 

The biggest contributor to food waste is leftover and uneaten food. Overbuying at the grocery store and throwing out rotting food at the end of the week not only impacts the environment but your wallet as well. Adequately preparing before a grocery trip is one of the best ways to begin to reduce individual food waste. The best way to combat this is to know how to buy, store and prepare food properly. Adequately preparing before a grocery trip is one of the best ways to begin to reduce individual food waste. 

1. Scan the fridge. Know what you have in your fridge before grocery shopping.

2. Make a list. Write down the things you absolutely need to buy. 

3. Store it right. Keep food at or below 40 degrees F. Anything above that is known as the “Temperature Danger Zone,” where bacteria grow the most rapidly and the risk of getting a foodborne illness increases. 

4. Freeze it well. Any food or leftovers that aren’t currently being eaten can be packed and stored in the freezer for up to about three months. Be sure to use freezer-safe glass dishes with an airtight lid and mark the date on it. 

5. Pay attention to quality. The “use by” and “sell by” dates refer to the quality of the food. Most foods can be eaten after those dates. Use your nose and better judgment when consuming those foods. 

6. Shop in season. Not only is shopping for seasonal produce better for your wallet, but produce in season is at its peak ripeness and freshness, perfect for your taste buds! 

7. Eliminate food waste. Compost any food scraps or leftovers.

Cómo deshacerse del plástico

How can you reduce plastic use? Plastic is in our grocery stores, in our homes and everywhere you look. Realistically, there’s no way to eliminate Todas plastic from our lives, but we can decrease the amount we use daily. Here are some tips to transition from plastic to reusable products. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect at eliminating plastic. There will be times you forget your bags or can’t use your reusable products. Just remember that if everyone tries, it can make a positive impact on our overall plastic use. 

8. Carry reusable bags with you. Keep them in your car!

9. Stop using plastic bottles. Reusable bottles are great, and there are so many different kinds to choose from. Just fill it up before leaving the house, and you’re ready to go! 

10. Buy from the bulk section. Flour, sugar, spices, nuts and seeds can be bought from the bulk section. Bring your own mason jar or container and scoop away! Most stores will subtract the weight of your container from the cost, so you don’t have to pay more.

Las botellas reutilizables son geniales y hay muchos tipos diferentes para elegir.

11. Use reusable sandwich bags. There are many options that are well worth the investment and easy to wash and use on the go. Use them for packing snacks or storing freezer items. Varying sizes and options are available both online and in stores. 

12. Try mesh produce bags. They work just as well as those plastic ones in the store.

Un repaso rápido sobre el reciclaje.

Recycling is a great way to minimize trash going into landfills, but what’s recyclable and what’s not? Here are some quick recycling tips.

13. No food, liquids, straws, plastic cups or plastic dishware can go in the recycling bin. Compost all food and food-soiled paper when possible. 

14. No plastic bags. Never put recyclables in plastic bags and never put any plastic bags in your regular recycling bin. Plastic bags and wraps can jam recycling equipment. 

15. Do not put oily pizza boxes in the recycling bin. The oil, cheese and sauce on the box can contaminate the cardboard. 

16. Empty and scrape out the food or materials from all bottles, jars, containers and cans before putting in the recycling bin. 

17. Know your numbers. Plastic bottles and jugs with #1 or #2 on the bottom are recyclable.

18. Recycle all clean paper and all clean, flattened cardboard boxes. 

19. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out! Better to throw out the item than risk it contaminating other good recycling. 

Es importante recordar que incorporar un pequeño cambio es más que suficiente para comenzar este viaje. No es necesario perfeccionar los pasos de inmediato; parte del viaje es aprender y cometer errores en el camino. La decisión consciente de comenzar a reducir el desperdicio aún tendrá un impacto a largo plazo, y tal vez algún día, esas grandes estadísticas de desperdicio mundial de alimentos y plástico comenzarán a disminuir.

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