4 formas saludables de prosperar con endometriosis

La salud de la mujer

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Roughly 10% to 15% of women in their reproductive years grapple with the sometimes life-disrupting pain of endometriosis. It’s a complex, chronic inflammatory condition that happens when cells that usually line the inside of your uterus grow outside the uterus. With no place to go, the displaced tissue attaches to other parts of the body, most often in the pelvis or lower abdomen, leading to inflammation, swelling and sometimes scar tissue in the affected areas.

Common symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Dolor pélvico
  • Flujo menstrual anormal o abundante
  • Dolor durante las relaciones sexuales
  • Trastornos intestinales y urinarios
  • Náuseas y vómitos
  • Fatiga cronica
  • Infertilidad o dificultades para quedar embarazada

Living with endometriosis can be challenging. Along with partnering with your gynecologist to manage endometriosis through traditional treatments, such as hormone therapy and surgery, there are ways to relieve the severity of your symptoms to live more comfortably.

Try these four self-care strategies to help you feel your best.

1. Mantener una dieta saludable

There is still much to learn, but research increasingly shows that eating foods that fight inflammation and balance estrogen levels can help reduce your endometriosis symptoms. Studies show that women who include more fruits and veggies in their diet have a 40% reduced risk of endometriosis.

En particular, puede reducir su carga de inflamación con:

  • Un montón de frutas y verduras coloridas ricas en antioxidantes.
  • Ácidos grasos omega-3 que se encuentran en ciertos aceites de pescado, aguacate, nueces, semillas y plantas, como la linaza y la canola
  • Fibra dietética a través de frutas, verduras y cereales integrales
  • Including foods on your plate that contain minerals like magnesium and zinc to help relax your muscles and regulate your menstrual cycle

Los mejores alimentos a evitar con endometriosis

It’s just as important to understand what foods can raise your inflammation and estrogen levels. Among the food you should try to limit or stay away from include:

  • Azúcares añadidos (pasteles, galletas, dulces, refrescos y otras bebidas azucaradas)
  • Sándwich de carnes y perritos calientes
  • Mantequilla, leche entera y queso con grasa entera
  • Comidas fritas, procesadas y rápidas
  • Carne roja grasa
  • Tocino
  • Salchicha
  • Piel de ave
  • Alcohol
  • Bebidas azucaradas

Stress can negate the benefits of healthy foods, so don’t get hung up on rigid, restrictive eating. Focus on balance and a variety of proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds—a prescription for healthy living.

2. Romper un sudor

Es posible que no tenga ganas de moverse cuando sufre molestias pélvicas, pero el ejercicio regular a menudo hace maravillas para aliviar el dolor, reducir la producción de estrógeno, mejorar el estado de ánimo, reducir la depresión y la ansiedad y apoyar el sueño regular que necesita.

Comience con ejercicios de bajo a moderado impacto como nadar, andar en bicicleta y caminar a paso ligero, aumentando gradualmente la intensidad y la frecuencia según lo permita su cuerpo.

Terapia de suelo pélvico may also help ease the symptoms of endometriosis by helping to relax and improve the function, strength and flexibility of your pelvic floor muscles.

3. Reduce el estres

Stress can exacerbate pain, so anything that relaxes you, like a warm bath, heating pad, reading or listening to music, may help provide relief. Try tapping into Acupuntura, massage, yoga, mindfulness meditation or other stress-relieving strategies to calm your mind and body.

4. buscar apoyo

Vivir con los brotes de endometriosis crónicos y, a veces, que alteran la vida diaria, también puede afectar su bienestar mental y generar estrés en sus relaciones. Su médico puede referirlo a un consejero capacitado y brindarle información sobre grupos de apoyo locales.

Online support resources such as My Endometriosis Team can be invaluable to help you connect with others who can relate to your journey living with endometriosis.

No existe una solución única para hacer frente a la endometriosis, por lo que es posible que deba probar diferentes estrategias para encontrar la que funcione para usted.

Searching for an OB/GYN you can trust? Find an OBGYN near you.

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