Musicoterapeuta encuentra compañía y ayuda en un perro de servicio


by Baylor Scott & White Health


Melanie Knecht has been in a wheelchair most of her life. She always wanted a service dog. Thanks to Baylor Scott & White and Canine Companions for Independence, she’s got one. The organizations’ collaboration is believed to be the first in the U.S. between an assistance dog organization and a health care system. Assistance dogs help children and adults with physical and mental disabilities.

Melanie was matched with Hillary V, named for fifth dog in the program with that name. The two were one of four teams in the first local graduating class. Melanie is a music therapist and has trained Hillary to pick up her instruments. Her dog is a big hit with her clients, which include children with autism and developmental problems and the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease or hospice care. Although Hillary’s first job is to serve Melanie, she has evolved into a sort of a work colleague.

“Hillary se ha convertido en una gran ventaja para mí como terapeuta”, dijo Knecht. “Cuando tengo un cliente con problemas de ansiedad o depresión, ella está ahí lista para ayudar. Hillary sabía que una niña necesitaba apoyo y amor. Se sentó con ella durante toda la sesión de terapia. Ella es muy intuitiva y es otra dimensión increíble cuando trabaja conmigo. Sigo encontrando más cosas que hacer con ella”.

The Canine Companions for Independence en Baylor Scott & White Health – Kinkeade Campus en Irving entrena tres tipos de perros de asistencia:

  • Service dogs assist adults with physical disabilities by performing daily tasks.
  • Skilled companions enhance independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities.
  • Facility dogs are expertly trained dogs who partner with a facilitator working in a health care, visitation or education setting.

During six to nine months of training with Canine Companions, the dogs are trained in more than 40 commands including turning the light switch on and off, opening doors, pulling wheelchairs and picking up items. Once they are ready for placement, their future human companions spend two weeks learning how to work with the dogs. The average cost to breed, raise and train one assistance dog is $50,000. Those willing to support this worthy endeavor should contact the Baylor Health Care System Foundation.

“Soy muy afortunada y me siento honrada de ser parte de un programa tan increíble. Hillary ha cambiado mi vida”, dijo Melanie. “Ella es una increíble rompehielos socialmente. He hecho tantos amigos gracias a ella. Estás automáticamente feliz cuando la ves. Nunca puedo estar de mal humor con Hillary cerca”.

Find out how you can support Canines Companions for Independence by visiting the national website.

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