Qué hacer si cree que tiene COVID- 19


by Baylor Scott & White Health


Information and guidance about COVID-19 care and vaccination continues to evolve. Please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the latest.

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID- 19 or suspect you may have contracted the virus, follow these guidelines to help protect your household and those around you. Please note that these guidelines are subject to change.

Obtenga atención y pruebas para los síntomas de COVID-19

Si cree que está experimentando síntomas leves de COVID-19, tiene algunas opciones para los siguientes pasos:

  • Use our virtual care options to get convenient care through a video visit or eVisit.
  • Llame a su proveedor de atención primaria.
  • If you would like to be tested without seeing a Baylor Scott & White provider, you can visit CovidTest.tdem.texas.gov/lists to find a testing site near you. If you do test positive, please let your BSWH provider know by sending a message through the MyBSWHealth portal. You will then be enrolled in our COVID-19 home monitoring digital care journey, which includes monitoring for patients while they are isolating at home.

Quedarse en casa 

  • Isolate yourself: If you are mildly ill with COVID-19, isolate yourself at home during this time if you are able to. Unless you’re seeking medical care, you should restrict all activities outside of your home.  
  • Wear a mask around others.
  • Avoid public areas: Do not attend work, school or any public areas.
  • Avoid public transportation: This includes ride-sharing, taxis or any other forms of public transportation.  

Sepárese de los demás en su hogar  

  • Stay away from others: It is smart to stay in a specific room, away from other people in your home. If available, you should also use a separate bathroom.  
  • Manage your symptoms: Most people experiencing mild COVID-19 symptoms can recover fully at home.

Use una mascarilla si está enfermo  

  • If you are sick: A face mask should be worn when you’re around other people—while sharing a room or vehicle—or pets and animals, and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office or any other public place.
  • If you’re caring for othersWear a face mask when you enter the room they’re in. If there are other people who live with the person who is sick, they should not stay in the same room with them.  

Related: Maintaining hope during COVID-19 social distancing

Cubra sus toses y estornudos  

Siga estos tres pasos críticos:  

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.  
  • Dispose of and throw away your used tissues in a lined trash can.  
  • Wash your hands immediately after with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  

Limpia tus manos con frecuencia  

  • Wash your hands: Follow the steps above, especially after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, going to the bathroom, and before eating or preparing food.  
  • Hand sanitizer: Follow the steps above, making sure to cover all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry.  
  • Soap and water: The best option if hands are visibly dirty.  
  • Avoid touching your face: Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.  

Follow these handwashing tips to make sure you’re cleaning your hands properly.  

Evite compartir artículos personales y domésticos.  

  • Do not share: Avoid sharing any dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels or bedding with other people or pets in your home.  
  • Wash thoroughly: After using these items, they should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.  

Limpie todas las superficies de "alto contacto" todos los días  

  • Clean and disinfect: Practice routine cleaning of high-touch surfaces. These include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables.  
  • Disinfect: Disinfect any and all areas or surfaces that may have blood, stool or body fluids on them. Follow this complete disinfection guide. 
  • Household cleaning products: Use a household cleaning spray or wipe, following the label instructions.

Controla tus síntomas

Mientras busca el consejo médico adecuado, controle sus síntomas y esté atento a los signos de una emergencia médica. En adultos, estos pueden incluir:

  • Dificultad para respirar
  • Dolor o presión persistentes en el pecho
  • Nueva confusión o incapacidad para despertar
  • Labios o cara azulados

Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame a 911 y notifique al personal de despacho que tiene o está siendo evaluado por COVID-19. Si está disponible, póngase una máscara facial antes de que lleguen los servicios médicos de emergencia.

For more information about COVID-19, visit BSWHealth.com.

Lo hacemos fácil.

La atención médica no tiene por qué ser difícil. Constantemente buscamos maneras de hacerlo más fácil para que usted pueda mejorar y permanecer así.

MEJOR tools make it easier

Todos tenemos diferentes necesidades de atención médica. Manéjelos a su manera con la aplicación MyBSWHealth. Descargue la aplicación hoy y adopte un enfoque práctico para su atención médica.

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