¿Podría el colesterol bajo aumentar su riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular?

Salud del cerebro

by Baylor Scott & White Health


You’re likely well aware of the dangers of Colesterol alto. Over time, elevated cholesterol — specifically LDL cholesterol, the kind many people refer to as “bad” cholesterol — causes your arteries to harden and narrow. Having high cholesterol can significantly increase your risk of Enfermedad del corazón and stroke.

Para la mayoría de los adultos, menos de 200 mg/dl se considera un nivel de colesterol "saludable", y el LDL representa menos de 100 mg/dl de eso.

But new research suggests that having very low levels of LDL cholesterol can also pose a danger to your health.

A recent study published in the journal Neurology noted a correlation between participants’ LDL cholesterol levels and their risk of hemorrhagic stroke (the more rare type of stroke that occurs because of bleeding in the brain). For people whose LDL cholesterol levels were below 70, the risk of stroke was significantly higher. The authors of the study suggested that if having too high cholesterol and too low cholesterol can pose health risks, then perhaps moderation is the key — for people whose cholesterol levels fell between 70 and 99, stroke risk remained the same.

However, according to Cara East, MD, cardiologist and Director of the Soltero Cardiovascular Research Center at Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital – Dallas, having cholesterol levels that are “too low” should not be the primary concern. For most people, including 95 million U.S. adults aged 20 or older, high cholesterol is the real threat.

“While this study is intriguing, it does not address the complications of having a high LDL cholesterol, including heart attacks, regular strokes, and blockages in the leg or abdominal blood vessels,” she said. 

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El Dr. East también señaló que la investigación sobre esta correlación está lejos de ser concluyente.

“Hay dos estudios en los que a los pacientes se les administró un fármaco biológico para reducir el colesterol cuando tenían un nivel de colesterol LDL justo por encima de 70 mg/dl”, dijo. “En estos estudios, el colesterol LDL de los pacientes podría caer hasta 15 mg/dl. No hubo consecuencias adversas demostradas de tener niveles de colesterol LDL tan bajos. Además, hay personas que nacen con variantes genéticas que hacen que tengan niveles bajos de colesterol LDL de por vida. Uno de esos trastornos es la deficiencia de PCSK9, en la que los niveles de colesterol LDL pueden ser tan bajos como 14 mg/dl, y no tienen problemas aparentes con esto".

Entonces, si bien esta noticia invita a la reflexión, se necesita más investigación para determinar realmente los efectos a largo plazo del colesterol bajo.

"Este estudio es 'generador de hipótesis', pero debería confirmarse buscando accidentes cerebrovasculares hemorrágicos en otros estudios antes de recomendar a los pacientes que se preocupen".

Do you know your cholesterol numbers? Paying attention to your cholesterol is a critical part of maintaining your overall health. Many people are unaware that they have high cholesterol until they suffer a heart attack or stroke. Talk to your doctor about your personal risk factors and how you can maintain healthy cholesterol levels through diet and Ejercicio.

Are you at risk for a stroke? Take this quiz tofind out.

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