Comprender su historia familiar: 6 preguntas para hacerle a su familia durante las vacaciones

La salud del corazón

by Baylor Scott & White Health


La temporada navideña se ve un poco diferente para todos. Algunos viajan, otros se quedan en casa. Algunos continúan con tradiciones antiguas, a otros les gusta probar nuevas formas de celebrar. Independientemente de sus planes, esta época del año siempre se trata de la familia. Y ahora es un buen momento para conocer el historial de salud de su familia, específicamente, su historial cardiovascular.

To help you break the ice and start the conversation, we’ve compiled six questions you can ask your parents and extended family members. Even if you won’t see them in person, these questions can help start a conversation over the phone or around the virtual dinner table. You can also use this Family Health History Checklist created by the CDC.

Antes de comenzar, primero haga una lista de su familia inmediata: padres, hermanos, hermanas e hijos. Luego, haga una lista de los miembros de su familia extendida: abuelos, tías, tíos, sobrinas, sobrinos y medios hermanos.

  1. Family origin. If you don’t already know, ask about your family’s ancestral roots. Which countries or parts of the world did your family come from? It’s important to know this information because some ethnicities have a higher incidence of heart disease.
  2. Cause of death. For family members who have died, try to find out how they passed away and how old they were.
  3. Chronic conditions. Ask if your family members have been diagnosed with any chronic health conditions like Hipertensión, Colesterol alto or diabetes. Does anyone in your family have peripheral arterial disease (bad circulation in the legs), aneurysms or blocked carotid arteries? These conditions are all considered signs of heart disease.
  4. Ages. At what age were they diagnosed with this chronic condition?
  5. Cardiovascular treatments. Has anyone in your family had an interventional treatment or procedure for a heart condition such as heart valve repairs, stents or medications?
  6. Diagnosed diseases. What about serious conditions like a heart attack or stroke? Has anyone in your family ever experienced this? It’s important to note that if a family member experienced a heart attack or stroke before the age of 55 (males) or 65 (females), your risk heart disease risk is considered to be higher.

Puede que este no parezca el tema de conversación más festivo, pero todos podemos estar de acuerdo en que no hay nada más que agradecer que una buena salud. Conocer sus riesgos y antecedentes familiares puede ayudarlo a usted, y al resto de los miembros de su familia, a prevenir problemas cardíacos graves en el futuro.

Documente las respuestas de los miembros de su familia a estas preguntas y asegúrese de guardar la información en un lugar seguro y de fácil acceso. Envíe la información a su médico o llévela con usted a su próxima cita. Si su médico tiene toda la información, puede recetarle un régimen de prevención para ayudarlo a evitar enfermedades cardíacas.

Preventive cardiology is a specialty within cardiovascular medicine and is a critical piece of our spectrum of heart care. The Center for Cardiovascular Prevention, located at Hospital Baylor Scott & White The Heart - Plano, specializes in a prevention-as-treatment philosophy that focuses on identifying and managing warning signs and symptoms of heart disease before they become serious or life-threatening. The center’s expert team can create a personalized plan of care for you to prevent and reduce the burden of heart disease. Schedule an appointment by calling 469-814-4863.

Are you at risk for heart disease? Take the quiz and find out now.

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