Enfoque centrado en el paciente y atención de calidad
Nuestros principios fundamentales de compasión, honestidad, transparencia y, sobre todo, atención centrada en el paciente, nos guían como institución. Ser reconocido por organizaciones locales, regionales y nacionales por estos atributos aporta credibilidad y prestigio a nuestro hospital con el que puede contar. También tenemos un número creciente de certificaciones y acreditaciones. A continuación se incluye una lista de nuestros premios y reconocimientos cardíacos y vasculares más recientes.
Our patient-centered focus and quality care are sustained through the compassion and dedication displayed by our tireless team of nurses and other staff members, as well as the physicians on our medical staff. We are proud to announce the hospital has been recognized four times by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for the Magnet® Recognition Program.
Solo 452 organizaciones de atención médica de EE. UU. de más de 6,300 hospitales de EE. UU. han logrado el reconocimiento Magnet, y aproximadamente el 34 % de las organizaciones reconocidas por Magnet que han intentado tres o más designaciones han tenido éxito.
Premios recientes
Noticias de EE.UU. & Informe Mundial
Press Ganey HX Pinnacle of Excellence Award®
Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital is a 2023 Press Ganey HX Guardian of Excellence Award® winner. This accolade represents the hospital's demonstrated commitment to placing human experience (HX) at the heart of healthcare.
Prensa Ganey HX Guardian of Excellence Award®
Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital es un ganador del 2023 Press Ganey HX Guardian of Excellence Award®. Este galardón representa el liderazgo del hospital, que brinda experiencias de atención más centradas en el ser humano al identificar lo que más necesitan los pacientes y cambiar rápidamente. Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital se ubica en el percentil 95 en experiencia del paciente entre otras instalaciones de atención médica en todo el país.
Sociedad de Cirujanos Torácicos (STS) 3-Estrellas
Cardiac surgery performed at Centro médico de la Universidad Baylor received 3-Stars—the highest possible rating—for isolated coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures. As a consistently high-performing program, this recent recognition ranks Baylor University Medical Center in the top 10% in the nation by STS for julio 1, 2020 - junio 30, 2023. In addition to a 3-Star overall rating, the program received 3-Stars in other rated domains, including absence of morbidity, use of IMA (internal mammary artery), and medications.
Leapfrog Group "A" para la seguridad del paciente en primavera 2024
Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas received its 18th consecutive “A” grade. The Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit organization committed to driving quality, safety and transparency in the US healthcare system, assigned the “A” rating for the hospital’s commitment to reducing errors, infections and accidents that can harm patients. According to the Leapfrog Group’s information, “Hospitals that earn top marks nationally in the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade have achieved the highest safety standards in the country.”
Women’s Choice Award – America’s Best Hospital for Patient Safety, Patient Experience and Heart Care
Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital has been named 2024's 100 Best Hospitals for Patient Experience by the Women’s Choice Award®, America’s trusted referral source for the best in healthcare. The hospital has also been named one of America’s Best Hospitals for Patient Safety and Heart Care. The award signifies that the hospital is in the top 1% of 4,728 US hospitals offering heart care and for patient safety in safe surgery practices and lower rates for complications and infections.
Premio Magnet a la "Excelencia en los Servicios de Enfermería"
Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas has been recognized for nursing excellence and outstanding patient care with the fourth consecutive ANCC Magnet Recognition®, an international distinction for excellence in nursing services from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). This award acknowledges the patient-centered focus and quality care delivered by our nurses, physicians on our medical staff and other staff members—a recognition given to only 2% of the hospitals in the United States. In addition to the designation, appraisers noted a total of 12 exemplary efforts. Nurses throughout Magnet® recognized organizations are involved in Shared Governance through several formalized councils and committees.
Fortune e IBM Watson Health 50Principales hospitales cardiovasculares2022
Centro médico de la Universidad Baylor, together with Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas, has earned a coveted spot among the "50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals 2022," according to Fortune and IBM Watson Health. Other Baylor Scott & White hospitals named among the top-performing in the US include Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Temple, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Hillcrest in Waco and Baylor Scott & White The Heart Hospital – Plano.
El estudio anual Fortune/IBM 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals destaca los principales hospitales no federales de atención aguda a corto plazo de EE. UU. que tratan a un amplio espectro de pacientes de cardiología. El estudio está diseñado para identificar puntos de referencia imparciales, procesables y alcanzables para los líderes clínicos y hospitalarios mientras trabajan para elevar los estándares de desempeño de sus propias organizaciones en el cuidado cardíaco.
Otros premios
Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) 5-Estrella de calificación de calidad
Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) 5-Estrella de calificación de calidad
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) named Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital as receiving the highest star rating in two areas: 5-Star for Overall Hospital Quality and 5-Star for HCAHPS Patient Experience Summary. The Overall Hospital Quality 5-Star Rating was given to only 381 US hospitals in 2024. This is based on performance across five quality categories including mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care. The patient survey rating measures patients’ experiences of their hospital care including how well doctors and nurses communicated, how responsive staff were to their needs, as well as cleanliness and quietness of the hospital environment.
American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines®
American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines®
Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital — Dallas received multiple American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines® achievement awards for demonstrating commitment to following up-to-date research-based guidelines for the treatment of heart disease and stroke, ultimately leading to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital. The recognitions included receiving the Get With The Guidelines® STEMI Receiving Center Gold-Plus
recognition for its commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).The hospital also received the Get With The Guidelines® NSTEMI Gold Award. This achievement is based upon participation in Get With The Guidelines®-CAD and meeting the required recognition criteria for data submitted through the 2023 calendar year. The Gold Award is given to organizations for their commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and is earned by hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to treating patients according to the most up-to-date research-based guidelines for NSTEMI care as outlined by the American Heart Association.
Acreditación de la Comisión Conjunta 2023
Acreditación de la Comisión Conjunta 2023
Los estándares de la Comisión Conjunta abordan el nivel de desempeño de la organización en áreas funcionales clave, como los derechos del paciente, el tratamiento del paciente y el control de infecciones. Los estándares no se centran simplemente en la capacidad de una organización para brindar atención segura y de alta calidad, sino también en su desempeño real. Los estándares establecen las expectativas de desempeño para las actividades que afectan la seguridad y la calidad de la atención al paciente.
Máxima calificación de estrellas de los 2023 premios de participación de la Iniciativa de calidad vascular (VQI)
Máxima calificación de estrellas de los 2023 premios de participación de la Iniciativa de calidad vascular (VQI)
Highest star rating from the 2023 Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) Participation Awards Announced in abril 2024, through the participation of the Vascular Quality Initiative® Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas received the 2024 VQI Participation Award with a 3-Star rating, the highest “star rating” from the VQI. This is the eighth consecutive year the hospital has received 3-Star recognition.
Acreditación Gold Seal por el American College of Radiology (ACR)
Acreditación Gold Seal por el American College of Radiology (ACR)
The cardiac magnetic resonance imaging program and the cardiac computed tomography program at Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas were awarded Gold Seal Accreditation by the American College of Radiology. The MRI Accreditation Program evaluates staff qualifications, quality control, MR safety policies and image quality. Similarly, the CT Accreditation Program evaluates imaging services’ quality and patient safety.
Acreditación de Ecocardiografía y Pruebas Vasculares de la Comisión de Acreditación Intersocietal (IAC)
Acreditación de Ecocardiografía y Pruebas Vasculares de la Comisión de Acreditación Intersocietal (IAC)
The IAC grants accreditation only to facilities that provide quality patient care, in compliance with national standards through a comprehensive application process, including detailed case study review. Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas is accredited in both echocardiography and vascular testing by the IAC.
Certificación de la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar (AACVPR)
Certificación de la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar (AACVPR)
Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas y Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Fort Worth received a three-year certification for their cardiac rehab programs. AACVPR Program Certification is the only peer-reviewed accreditation process designed to review individual programs for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other professional societies. AACVPR-certified programs are recognized as leaders in the field of cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation because they offer the most advanced practices available.
Dolor torácico NCDR del Colegio Americano de Cardiología - Premio MI Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award
Dolor torácico NCDR del Colegio Americano de Cardiología - Premio MI Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award
Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas has demonstrated sustained achievement in the Chest Pain MI Registry and performed at the highest level for specific performance measures to receive this award.
Más sobre el premio