Control intestinal: cómo comer para tener un intestino más saludable y feliz


by Jessica Smosna, RD, LD   and Rajesh Shah, MD


You may have heard the saying that “your gut is your second brain,” and there’s good reason behind that. The bacteria in your gut are key for lifelong health, which is why you want to promote healthy bacteria through diet and lifestyle. Your gut bacteria support weight and metabolism, promote optimal brain functioning, create vitamins that regulate your immune system, and more! Let’s dive in to the building blocks of good gut health.

A healthy diet is the foundation of good overall health and a healthy gut. The main goal of a healthy diet is to provide balanced nutrition, maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and obesity. In summary, here are five ways to improve your gut health:

Comer colorido.

Eat a variety of vegetables throughout the day and consider eating a variety of colors, which not only looks more appetizing but also provides a variety of micronutrients. Supplement this with eating whole fruits and grains. These recommendations should provide adequate fiber in your diet, which is around 25 grams for women and 35 grams for men. But you may also consider supplementing with over-the-counter products or incorporating psyllium husk and/or ground flax seed into your diet for an extra boost of fiber.

Enfócate en alimentos ricos en proteínas.

Concéntrese en los productos lácteos y las proteínas. Los productos lácteos comunes incluyen leche, yogur y queso. Puede considerar las versiones sin lactosa si los productos que contienen lactosa le causan síntomas gastrointestinales incómodos. Si experimenta síntomas de productos sin lactosa, como hinchazón, confusión mental o fatiga, trastornos de la piel, aumento de peso y problemas de sinusitis, puede probar productos de leche de cabra u oveja, que son menos inflamatorios.

Las excelentes opciones de alimentos ricos en proteínas incluyen carnes magras, aves, huevos y mariscos, junto con algunas verduras como frijoles, guisantes e incluso nueces. Hable con su médico o dietista sobre la cantidad de estos alimentos que debe comer.

Limite los alimentos que se sabe que causan síntomas intestinales.

Try to limit the intake of added sugars, saturated fat (from processed food items) and sodium since these foods tend to cause more gut symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.

Bebe más agua.

La mayoría de las personas no beben suficiente agua durante el día, pero debería ser un objetivo por el que todos se esfuercen. El agua ayuda a mover los alimentos a través de los intestinos y promueve una buena salud intestinal. La recomendación general es beber 8 vasos de agua a lo largo del día. Desea consumir la mayoría de sus líquidos entre comidas, idealmente no consumir más de ocho onzas poco antes, después y durante las comidas. En la práctica, le digo a la gente que tenga suficiente agua para que cuando orine la orina parezca casi clara.

Cuida tu cuerpo.

Sleeping for 7-8 hours per night helps your body rest and recover from the day. Exercising helps promote digestive motility, improves mood and boosts overall long-term health. Finally, taking time to relax and remove stress from the day is important. Many people carry stress in the intestines and come to see me for various digestive symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. Finding ways to minimize stress, such as exercise, meditation or yoga can be great tools to care for your gastrointestinal system.

There you have it — start these five simple habits today to start building a healthier gut. If you continue to experience uncomfortable digestive symptoms, a digestive specialist can help. Find one near you today.

Sobre el Autor

Jessica Smosna, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian at Baylor Scott & White Specialty Clinic – Westlake. She completed her undergraduate studies at Bradley University in Peoria, IL, and her dietetic internship through the University of Houston. She is passionate about working with people to heal and repair their gut. Along with a healthy lifestyle, Jessica believes vitamins N & L (nature & laughter) are key for optimal health.

Rajesh Shah, MD, is a gastroenterologist on the medical staff at Baylor Scott & White Clinic – Buda Medical Center and Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Austin. His clinical interests include inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer screening, chronic diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disease and fatty liver disease. Programa UNA CITA with Dr. Shah today.

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