Parenting classes empower you with an informed and supported childbirth experience
Centro médico de la Universidad Baylor, part of Baylor Scott & White Health in Dallas, Texas, has engaged North Dallas Doula Associates to help empower and educate families with specialized, boutique-style classes.
We are excited to share our classes, full of evidence-based techniques and designed for the specific needs of birthing patients and their partners.
Childbirth and family support classes
En nuestras clases de preparto, las parejas aprenderán todo lo que necesitan saber para tener el parto informado que desean.
All classes are available in person and online, except for infant CPR. Select the class options below to learn more and register.
Creemos que todas las familias importan y estamos comprometidos a ayudarla a navegar su experiencia única e intencional de parto y posparto.
Clase de cesárea (en línea)
This online class features information about why cesareans are performed, 3D animation of the procedure and much more. This class will both empower and educate parents on cesarean births. A private conversation with a Labor & Delivery Nurse Navigator is included in the class.
Only the expectant mother should enroll. Birth partners may attend but do not need to enroll.
Clase de parto (1 día, presencial)
Let us help you have the informed birth you desire! Our class was designed and created to help take the fear out of childbirth through evidence-based research, education, and informed consent. Couples will be prepared for an empowered birth experience.
A hospital tour is included with this class.
Clase de parto (2 día, presencial)
Let us help you have the informed birth you desire! Our class was designed and created to help take the fear out of childbirth through evidence-based research, education, and informed consent. Couples will be prepared for an empowered birth experience.
A hospital tour is included with this class.
Clase de parto (en línea)
Because the best birth is a supportive and informed birth, we have moved our award-winning new parent education classes to a virtual platform.
Please join us from the safety and comfort of your own home and enjoy the same exclusive childbirth classes taught by experienced and credentialed educators. Let us help you have the informed birth you desire! Our class was designed and created to help take the fear out of childbirth through evidence-based research, education, and informed consent.
LGBTQ family class
This class will cover finding an inclusive birth team, discovering a patient-centered facility that offers nonjudgmental support, preparing for second parent adoption, exploring questions to ask in advance and obstacles you may encounter along the way, preparing for postpartum parenthood and adapting to your new roles as a family.
Please email to request a date.
Tour de maternidad (presencial)
This interactive tour provides the expectant couple an opportunity to become familiar with labor & delivery, as well as the Postpartum and Nursery Units. All questions are welcomed.
Pre-registration is required. These tours are very popular and have limited space, do NOT enroll in more than one tour. Childbirth classes include a tour, you do not need to enroll in a standalone tour separately.
Preparing to Push class (online)
Because the best birth is a supportive and informed birth, we have moved our award-winning new parent education classes to a virtual platform.
Please join us from the safety and comfort of your own home and enjoy the same exclusive childbirth classes taught by experienced and credentialed educators. In this class you will find ways to create a calm environment and ensure hormonal abundance, release endorphins, and connect with your partner during each phase of labor.
Rocking Dads class
In the Rocking Dads class, you will learn how to support your birth partner with knowledge and confidence. The journey will take you through relationship, communication, how to make a birth plan, early labor, non-medical interventions, medical interventions, labor and delivery, C-section, breastfeeding and more from the perspective of a partner.
This class is for men only and does contain adult language.
Please email to request a date.
Unmedicated childbirth class (in-person)
Let us help you have the informed birth you desire! Our class was designed and created to help take the fear out of childbirth through evidence-based research, education, and informed consent. Couples will be prepared for a low intervention, unmediated, natural birth after attending this class.
Breastfeeding and newborn classes
Clase de lactancia materna (presencial)
In this class, we will discuss what to expect when parenting a breastfed infant, how to prepare to breastfeed, pitfalls and "booby traps" to avoid, and where to go for support and help along the way.
This class will set you up to identify normal newborn behavior, infant feeding cues, proper latch and positioning, frequency and duration of feedings, understanding supply and demand, as well as the importance of input and output in your newborn.
Clase de lactancia materna (en línea)
Learn about breastfeeding from the comfort of your home. Not every family is able to attend parent education classes in person, while others learn better with a self-study class. This interactive, web-based instruction contains animated illustrations, videos and games to make learning easy and fun.
Infant and child CPR class (in-person)
This non-certification class is designed specifically for parents, grandparents and caregivers of infants and children. Our essential hands-on practice class provides the skills and confidence to turn a life-threatening situation into a lifesaving one. Come gain the confidence, skills, and knowledge to save a child's life.
This class is offered only in person.
Newborn care class (in-person)
This class is for expecting parents wondering what happens AFTER the baby comes. What's normal? Is baby pooping enough? What to look for? We will cover newborn appearance, bathing, diapering, growth spurts, milestones, safe sleeping & newborn sleep expectations, skin care, calming techniques, circumcision, intact care, and more. We'll also discuss choosing and when to call a pediatrician!
This class is pay per couple, please only register yourself. One partner is automatically allowed to attend.
Clase de cuidado del recién nacido (en línea)
Esta clase es perfecta para futuros padres que se preguntan qué sucede DESPUÉS de que nazca el bebé. Cubriremos conceptos básicos como la apariencia del recién nacido, el baño, el cambio de pañales, los períodos de crecimiento acelerado, los hitos, el sueño seguro y las expectativas del sueño del recién nacido, el cuidado de la piel, las técnicas calmantes, la circuncisión, el cuidado intacto y más.
Regístrese para una clase en línea sobre cuidado del recién nacido
Postpartum care (webinar)
Whether you're currently expecting or just welcomed your newest addition, the early days of motherhood come with a lot of questions. We're here with the answers you need.
Our on-demand postpartum care webinar features a team of women's health experts who will cover what you should know about your changing body and caring for yourself during this next stage of life. With the right team by your side, you can feel supported and confident every step of the way.