An alternative to traditional microsurgery vasectomy reversal

Fibrin glue vasectomy reversal®

Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Templo uses fibrin glue during the reversal, which reduces operative time and the number of required sutures. Because the procedure requires less time in the operating room, it is considerably less expensive than traditional microsurgery.

This vasectomy reversal surgery is offered only at our Temple hospital.

Appointment scheduling options

Option #1: Come in for a consultation visit and schedule the vasectomy reversal surgery at a later date. The cost for the surgery will need to be paid at the time of check-in for the appointment. If the patient decides to schedule the surgery for later, the fee will be deducted from the amount of the surgery since it has already been paid.

Option #2: Select a surgery date and come in the afternoon before for the preoperative appointments.

There are three mandatory preoperative appointments that the patient will need to attend prior to the procedure.

  • Discutir el procedimiento y firmar los consentimientos
  • Oficina de negocios para hacer el pago completo
  • Evaluación de anestesia / cirugía de día

Patients who are over 50 or have other health problems such as heart disease, lung disease, high blood pressure or diabetes will need to come with a note of clearance from their primary care provider.

Patients must be off aspirin, ibuprofen or any blood thinners 10 days before their vasectomy reversal procedure in Temple.

Sperm cryopreservation

If the patient wants to save sperm (cryopreservation), he will also need to meet with the Andrology department.

If sperm cryopreservation is desired, the patient must inform Baylor Scott & White prior to the procedure so it can be added to his schedule.

Additional fees apply.

  • How much does vasectomy reversal cost?

    El seguro no pagará las reversiones de la vasectomía realizadas para restaurar la fertilidad. Como resultado, las reversiones de la vasectomía se consideran cirugías electivas y requieren arreglos prepagos similares a los procedimientos de cirugía plástica.

  • ¿Hay una garantía de devolución de dinero?

    No. El precio actual del paquete es similar al residual esperado después del reembolso de la tarifa del cirujano en otros precios del paquete.

  • ¿Por qué el precio de reversión de la vasectomía en Baylor Scott & White es tan económico?

    El tiempo operativo total es un determinante principal del costo. Nuestro método reduce el tiempo operatorio total mientras mantiene buenos resultados.


For all questions regarding payment, please contact the office at 254.724.6935 or 1.800.792.3710, extension 6935. This office handles all of the payments for the procedure.

Payment must be made in full before the procedure can be performed.

Se le cobrará una tarifa de cancelación al paciente si se cancela un procedimiento programado sin reprogramar, cancelar o reprogramar dentro de 10 días del procedimiento programado, o si un paciente no se presenta para las citas y / o el procedimiento preoperatorios programados.

Que esperar

Durante la cirugía

A typical vasectomy reversal will take 90 minutes. If a vasoepididymostomy (VE) is required, this will add an additional one or two hours.

Con una vasectomía estándar, se colocan de seis a 10 suturas; sin embargo, solo requerimos de tres a cuatro. Luego se agrega pegamento de fibrina para sellar la anastomosis.

Fibrin glue is an FDA-approved product for surgical hemostasis (stoppage of bleeding) called TISSEEL VH Fibrin Sealant. It has also been used for many years for a variety of procedures—plastics, pediatric, trauma, orthopedics and reconstruction. In more than 20 years of use, there have been no cases of hepatitis A, B or C or HIV caused by fibrin glue. Similar to other medical products and devices, allergic reactions are possible but are very rare.

Vasoepididymostomy (VE)

A standard vasectomy reversal is where the two ends of the vas deferens are microscopically sutured back together and sealed with fibrin glue.

Rarely, the fine drainage tubules of the epididymis (the top part of the testicle) can become blocked. If optimal results are desired, the patient may elect to undergo a vasoepididymostomy and "bypass" the blockage by making the connection higher up.

Después de cirugía

Following the vasectomy reversal surgery, patients can expect:

  • Más dolor e hinchazón en comparación con una vasectomía
  • Una gasa de plástico cubrirá el escroto y se debe dejar encendida durante al menos tres días. Las manchas de sangre en la gasa son normales y esperadas
  • Se debe aplicar una compresa de hielo al escroto durante las primeras 12 horas
  • Los pacientes pueden ducharse después de dos o tres días. Los baños de tina no están permitidos hasta que la incisión haya cicatrizado completamente y los baños de tina caliente estén prohibidos
  • Se administrarán analgésicos recetados y antibióticos
  • Notifique al urólogo si hay enrojecimiento creciente alrededor de la incisión, hinchazón progresiva, fiebre u otras preocupaciones emergentes
  • Absténgase de realizar actividades extenuantes (correr, trotar, andar en bicicleta, etc.) y levantar objetos pesados ​​(más de 30 libras) durante cuatro semanas. El paciente también debe abstenerse de la actividad sexual durante tres semanas

Procedure success and follow-ups

Ultimately, the goal is for couples to experience a pregnancy through natural conception.

Patients remote from vasectomy (over 10 to 15 years) and spouses with advanced maternal age may require assisted reproductive technology that is not included in the package.

After the vasectomy reversal procedure is performed, patients are asked to provide a semen analysis every three months until a pregnancy is achieved. This analysis will allow the patient to see the results of the procedure

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