¿Qué es el cáncer de próstata?
El cáncer es un crecimiento descontrolado de células anormales que se forman en un área y pueden extenderse por todo el cuerpo. El cáncer de próstata no causa síntomas en sus primeros estados. Si tienes síntomas urinarios, es más probable que se deba a otro problema de salud.
El cáncer de próstata ocurre cuando las células de la próstata cambian y crecen sin control. Estas células pueden formar un tumor, un crecimiento no canceroso, células atípicas, cáncer y cáncer metastásico. La mayoría de los cánceres de próstata ocurren en hombres mayores de 65.
La próstata es una glándula que se encuentra justo debajo de la vejiga y forma parte del sistema reproductor masculino. Los problemas con la próstata se vuelven más comunes a medida que el hombre envejece y pueden incluir cáncer de próstata, el cáncer común en los hombres. Este cáncer a menudo se puede curar o controlar, especialmente si se detecta y trata a tiempo. Una prueba de detección puede ayudar a encontrar el cáncer. Las pruebas de detección a menudo pueden ayudar a detectar el cáncer de próstata antes de que cause síntomas.
¿Cuáles son los factores de riesgo del cáncer de próstata?
- Age: As you grow older, your risk of developing prostate cancer increases.
- Family history: If your father or brother has had prostate cancer, your risk of developing it is higher.
- Race: African American men are more likely than other men to develop prostate cancer; they are also more likely to die of prostate cancer than other men with the disease.
Tratamiento del cáncer de próstata
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Baylor Scott & White Health offers minimally invasive procedures, such as robot-assisted surgery, to care for prostate cancer. We also offer innovative nonsurgical therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer. At Baylor Scott & White, you'll receive compassionate, quality care throughout all stages of your cancer treatment.
Your treatment plan will be determined by your care team based on age, medical history, type and stage of prostate cancer, and personal preferences. Prostate cancer treatment options may include:
- Surgery
- Radical prostatectomy
- Resección transuretral de la próstata
- Criocirugía
- Prostatectomía radical laparoscópica
- Procedimiento HoLEP
- Quimioterapia
- External beam radiation therapy
- Crioterapia
- Terapia hormonal
- Inhibidores de la angiogénesis
- Terapia de vacunas
- Vigilancia activa
- El manejo del dolor
- Ensayos clínicos (when appropriate)
Cirugía de cáncer de próstata
Your integrated care team may recommend the surgical removal of your prostate, as well as other treatments. Baylor Scott & White – Temple uses minimally invasive techniques whenever possible and appropriate, based on your condition.
Conventional open surgery
In some cases, minimally invasive operations are not an option and your surgeon may determine that conventional open surgery is the best choice for you.
As with all operations, there are some risks your surgeon will discuss with you.
Radical prostatectomy
La prostatectomía radical es la extirpación quirúrgica de la próstata y los tejidos circundantes. En algunos casos, su cirujano puede extirpar los ganglios linfáticos pélvicos adyacentes para verificar la presencia de malignidad.
Nuestros oncólogos quirúrgicos urológicos capacitados realizan tres tipos de operaciones para extirpar la próstata:
- Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
- Traditional laparoscopic prostatectomy
- Conventional open surgery
Your physician will discuss which option is best for you.
Robot-Assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
A robot-assisted prostatectomy is minimally invasive and nerve-sparing. Our expert urologic surgical oncologists employ daVinci® robotic surgery equipment. Advantages of the robotic surgical equipment are:
- “Wristed,” or having the ability to move inside your body with seven degrees of freedom (standard laparoscopic instruments move with only four degrees of freedom)
- Can replicate any movement of your surgeon’s hand in all directions
- Allows your surgeon to view inside your pelvic area with up to 10x magnification
- Increased maneuverability makes it easier for your surgeon to successfully perform this nerve-sparing operation
You have delicate nerves and blood vessels located on the left and right sides of your prostate near your rectum. These nerves and blood vessels:
- Play a key role in the complex physiology of erections
- Can be separated from the prostate and “spared” in most cases of clinically localized prostate cancer
Most patients with clinically localized prostate cancer are candidates for robot-assisted surgery. In some cases, severely overweight patients may not qualify. Some patients who have undergone previous abdominal or pelvic surgery may not be candidates for robot-assisted surgery.
Your surgeon will discuss whether robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery is a good option for you.
Cirugía de cáncer de próstata
Your integrated care team may recommend the surgical removal of your prostate, as well as other treatments. Baylor Scott & White – Temple uses minimally invasive techniques whenever possible and appropriate, based on your condition.
Traditional laparoscopic prostatectomy
En este procedimiento quirúrgico mínimamente invasivo, su oncólogo quirúrgico urólogo realizará varias incisiones pequeñas en su abdomen o perineo y extirpará su próstata y parte del tejido circundante.
El abordaje laparoscópico tradicional ofrece una recuperación más rápida y un resultado cosmético más favorable que un abordaje quirúrgico abierto convencional.
What you can expect after your prostatectomy
At Baylor Scott & White – Temple, following your surgery for prostate cancer:
- A prostate specimen will be sent to the lab for evaluation
- A week or so later, your physician will discuss the pathology results with you
- The report will detail the size and extent of your prostate cancer
- Your physician will provide information regarding prognosis
Side effects of prostatectomy
Stress urinary incontinence, or involuntary loss of urine that occurs with:
- Coughing
- Estornudo
- Heavy lifting
- Other physical activity
- Impotence, or the inability to develop or maintain an erection
La mayoría de los hombres experimentarán cierta incontinencia de esfuerzo después de la prostatectomía y encontrarán una mejora significativa en unas semanas. Más del 90 % de los hombres están secos o son socialmente continentes al año.
La mayoría de los hombres experimentan impotencia inmediatamente después de la prostatectomía. Esta función puede tardar varios meses y hasta un año en volver.
Indicadores de una "cura"
The most important indicator of a “cure” is your first prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a blood test obtained around three months after surgery.
- A desirable PSA is 0 after removal of a cancerous prostate
- Any detectable or measurable PSA may mean that cancer is still present or has returned
- Following treatment, you’ll have PSA screenings every four to six months for the remainder of your life
- Your physician may recommend a biopsy at one year and another every other year unless there’s a change in your PSA
Monitoring your PSA closely allows your physician to watch for recurrence or spread (metastasis) of your prostate cancer.
Centros especializados en el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata
Baylor Scott y White Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center - Dallas
The Genitourinary Cancer Research and Treatment Center at Baylor Scott & White Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center – Dallas treats more genitourinary (GU) cancer patients than any other cancer program in the region and excels in the management of complex and advanced high-risk cases.
Baylor Scott & White Vasicek Cancer Treatment Center - Templo
Baylor Scott & White Vasicek Cancer Treatment Center - Templo, located in Temple, Texas, offers an integrated care team for GU cancer. The GU cancer team uses treatments including robotic, laparoscopic and macroscopic surgery and radiation therapy.