Our Baylor Scott & White urgent care center in Grand Prairie treats patients 6 months and older for a variety of illnesses and injuries, from allergies to broken bones. We are pleased to provide the Riverside community with quality medical care in a comforting environment.

The urgent care doctors, nurses and staff here in Grand Prairie offer extended hours for patients in need of immediate care now, instead of later.

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Seguros aceptados

Baylor Scott & White ha establecido acuerdos con varios tipos de seguros para garantizar que sus necesidades de salud estén cubiertas.

Las listas de seguros están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Llame al hospital o al plan de salud para verificar la información de cobertura antes de programar su visita/procedimiento.
By searching you agree to these terms
  • American Health Advantage of Texas - (1)
    American Health Advantage of Texas HMO I-SNP
  • Atención médica unida - (7)
    Choice Plus
    Core Essential
    Nexus ACO - Open Access
    Select Plus
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield - (22)
    Federal Basic Option
    Consumer Directed HealthSelect
    Blue Premier Access
    Blue Choice
    High Performance Network
    Blue Cross Medicare Advantage Dual Care Plus (HMO SNP)
    Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO)
    Blue Advantage - Silver
    Blue Advantage - Gold
    Blue Advantage - Bronze
    Blue Advantage Plus - Gold
    Federal FEP Blue Focus
    Esenciales azules
    Blue Essentials Access
    Premier Azul
    Blue Cross Group Medicare Advantage (PPO)
    Blue Advantage Plus - Bronze
    Federal Standard Option
    TRS-ActiveCare Primary+
    TRS-ActiveCare Primary
  • Cigna - (4)
    Open Access Plus In-Network
    Cigna HealthSpring
    Cigna Medicare Advantage
  • Etna - (7)
    Health Network Only
    Aetna Medicare Freedom Preferred Plan (PPO)
    Aetna Medicare Prime Plan (HMO)
    Aetna Medicare Value Plan (HMO)
    Aetna Medicare Dual Complete Plan (HMO D-SNP)
    Administradores de firmas de Aetna
  • First Health/Coventry - (1)
    First Health/Coventry Network
  • HealthSmart - (2)
    Red preferida
    Red ACCEL
  • Humana - (4)
    Cuidado de la elección
    Preferido por Humana
    HumanaChoice (Regional PPO)
    Humana USAA Honor with Rx (PPO)
  • Imagined Health - (1)
    Imagine Health Network
  • Mercado de muebles de Nebraska - (3)
  • Parkland Community Health - (2)
    STAR - HealthFirst
  • Plan de salud Baylor Scott & White - (19)
    BSW Extended PPO
    BSWH Employee Network Premium (PPO)/ HDHP
    BSWH Employee Network (SEQA & EQA)
    BSW Access PPO
    BSW Plus HMO-Group
    BSW Plus HMO-Individual/Family
    BSW Plus PPO-Group
    BSW Plus PPO-Individual/Family
    BSW Premier HMO-Group
    BSW Premier HMO-Individual/Family
    Bsw seniorcare Advantage hmo
    Bsw seniorcare ventaja ppo
    Covenant Preferred HMO
    Pyco Industries Employee Plan
    Grupo de red PPO
    Red del grupo McLane
    Hendrick Health Employee Plan
    Grupo de red HMO
    Red EPO-Individual/Familiar
  • Superior Health Plan - (1)
  • Superior Health Plan - (2)
    Wellcare by Allwell
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Urgent care conditions we treat

Some medical conditions we treat at our urgent care clinics across Texas when patients need immediate care include:

  • Abscess drainage
  • Alergias
  • Asma
  • Bites and stings
  • Resfriado y gripe
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Infección en el oído
  • Eye irritation and redness
  • Fiebre
  • Dolor de cabeza
  • Head lice
  • Migraine
  • Minor broken bones and fractures
  • Quemaduras menores
  • Neck and back pain
  • Rashes and skin problems
  • Infección respiratoria
  • Sexually transmitted infection concerns
  • Sinus infection
  • Sore throat or cough
  • Strains and sprains
  • Staples
  • Stitches and sutures
  • Infección del tracto urinario (ITU)
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Yeast infections

If you believe this is a medical emergency, please visit the emergency room nearest to you. 

Learn more about our urgent care clinics

Pagar la factura

Baylor Scott & White Health se complace en ofrecerle múltiples opciones para pagar su factura. Vea nuestra guía para comprender su estado de cuenta de Baylor Scott & White.

Ofrecemos dos opciones de pago en línea:

Otras opciones de pago:

  • Pago por correo

    To ensure that your payment is correctly applied to your account, detach the slip from your Baylor Scott & White billing statement and return the slip with your payment. If paying by check or money order, include your account number on the check or money order.

    Please mail the payment to the address listed on your statement.

  • Pagar por teléfono

    Payments to HTPN can be made over the phone with our automated phone payment system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day. Please call 1.866.377.1650.

    If you need to speak to someone about a bill from a Baylor Scott & White Hospital, our Customer Service department is available to take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and can be reached at 1.800.994.0371.

  • Pagar en persona

    Los pagos se pueden hacer en persona en el centro donde recibió los servicios.

Asistencia financiera

At Baylor Scott & White Health, we want to be a resource for you and your family. Our team of customer service representatives and financial counselors are here to help you find financial solutions that can help cover your cost of care. We encourage you to speak to a team member before, during or after care is received.

Ver opciones de asistencia financiera

El móvil lo hace fácil
Al igual que facilitamos la atención cuando su hijo está enfermo o lesionado, nuestra aplicación mejor calificada, MyBSWHealth, puede simplificar el mantenimiento de su salud. La aplicación le permite programar citas, enviar mensajes a su pediatra, ver los registros médicos de su hijo y programar atención virtual el mismo día desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta.
myBSWHealth app displayed on a phone
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  • Icono de Google play
  • Icono de la tienda de aplicaciones

Formularios para pacientes

Para garantizar que su visita a nuestra oficina sea lo más conveniente y eficiente posible, nos complace ofrecer nuestros formularios de registro en línea. El formulario de registro del paciente puede completarse electrónicamente e imprimirse para una mejor legibilidad o completarse manualmente.