
Resultados positivos en tasas de curación y días promedio de curación.

The Comprehensive Wound Center at Baylor Scott y White The Heart Hospital - Denton is dedicated to preserving the function of the lower extremities and offering advanced wound care for patients with diabetes or other conditions.

Our wound center in Denton uses advanced modalities and has a proven record for healing problem wounds. Any wound that has not healed in two weeks or has a complex presentation can benefit from our advanced treatments.

Condiciones que tratamos

A non-healing wound, also called a chronic wound, is a sore that has not started to heal within two weeks. Some of the conditions we treat in our wound center in Denton include:

  • Bone infections (osteomyelitis)
  • Quemaduras
  • Decubitus or pressure ulcers
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Gangrena
  • Necrotizing fasciitis
  • Obesidad
  • Peripheral arterial disease and other vascular diseases
  • Exposición a la radiación
  • Skin irritations
  • Surgery or trauma
  • Estasis venosa

director médico

Laurie Aten, MD, is the Medical Director for Baylor Scott White The Heart Hospital – Denton Comprehensive Wound Center.

Wound treatments options

A multidisciplinary team, including hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy and wound specialists, podiatric foot and ankle surgeons, and specialty nurses, works closely with you and your physician to develop the best approach to your wound healing issue. Some of the treatments we provide in our Comprehensive Wound Center in Denton include:

  • Evaluación integral de heridas y plan de tratamiento individualizado.
  • Apósitos de compresión
  • Evaluación Doppler y pruebas vasculares.
  • Terapia con oxígeno hiperbárico (HBO)
  • Preservación de las extremidades
  • Aplicación de injerto de tejido fabricado (bioingeniería)
  • Terapia de heridas con presión negativa (cierre de heridas asistido por vacío o VAC)
  • Monitoreo de oxígeno transcutáneo
  • Cuidado de heridas y desbridamiento

Formulario de cita para el Centro Integral de Heridas

Please provide contact information so that we may respond to your request to schedule an appointment at the Comprehensive Wound Center in Denton. One of our nurse navigators will contact you within 24-48 hours.

Please Note: Baylor Scott & White The Heart Hospital – Denton cannot address a medical emergency through this form. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Noticias y medios

The articles below are authored by David Bastawros, DPM.

12 consejos para el cuidado de los pies para diabéticos

If you have diabetes, regular foot care is necessary to prevent serious problems. Giving special attention to your feet can help you prevent foot problems that could lead to the loss of a toe, foot or leg. 

4 cosas a las que debe prestar atención si su diabetes no se controla

According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, and there are four things to watch for it goes unchecked.