El Centro Baylor Scott & White de Urología Reconstructiva se centra en urología reconstructiva femenina y masculina en Fort Worth.
This includes the rehabilitating and rebuilding of the genitourinary tract. Fort Worth urologist Charles Secrest, MD, has been in practice for more than 27 years and has extensive expertise in all areas of female and male urological conditions and surgeries.
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Seguros aceptados
Baylor Scott & White ha establecido acuerdos con varios tipos de seguros para garantizar que sus necesidades de salud estén cubiertas.
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Plan de Salud Superior - (4)Ambetter Core EPO - PlataAmbetter Core EPO - BronceWellcare de AllwellBien cuidado
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Servicios médicos
Prolapso de órganos pélvicos
Prolapso de órganos pélvicos
Pelvic Organ Prolapse or POP is a downward descent of the female pelvic organs, including the bladder, rectum, uterus if present, upper part of the vagina if the uterus is absent, or small bowel resulting in a bulge pressing into or out of the vagina.
Baylor Scott & White Center for Reconstructive Urology offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments, including:
- Cambios en el estilo de vida
- Terapia de suelo pélvico
- Pessaries
- Surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse
Enfermedad de Peyronie
Enfermedad de Peyronie
Peyronie's disease, which causes a curved penis, is a common problem affecting 10% of all men. Most men do not require surgery.
However, in men with a severely curved penis that is affecting their ability to experience satisfactory intercourse, there is a very effective operation with an expected success rate of greater than 90%.
More about Peyronie's disease -
Cirugía Protésica
Cirugía Protésica
We perform a large volume of genitourinary prosthetic surgery at the Center for Reconstructive Urology. Many of these cases are referred in from other urologists and are complicated redo cases, in other words patients who already have a penile implant or artificial urinary sphincter and are experiencing problems with the device.
More about prosthetic surgery -
Reconstructive urology
Reconstructive urology
We offer reconstructive urology procedures to treat a variety of urologic conditions in both males and females.
Procedures we perform include:
- Bulking agents for incontinence
- Botox to bladder
- Cystoscopy and flexible cystoscopy
- Penile doppler ultrasound
- Internal urethrotomy
- Retrograde urethrogram (RUG)
- Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)
- Cystogram
- Testosterone pellet implants
- Urodinámica
- Videourodynamics
- Pessary fitting
- Macroplastique
- Urgent PC
Las condiciones que tratamos incluyen:
Female conditions
- Diagnosis and treatment of female urinary incontinence
- Prolapso de órganos pélvicos
- Female urethral strictures
- Fístulas
- Urethral diverticula
- Cistitis intersticial
- Vejiga hiperactiva
- Complicaciones de la malla
- Ureteral obstruction
Male conditions
- Urethral strictures
- Fístulas
- Enfermedad de Peyronie
- Chordee
- Disfunción eréctil
- Incontinencia
- Prosthetic surgery complications
- Lesiones traumáticas
- Hipospadias
- And other congenital conditions
Enfermedad de la estenosis uretral
Enfermedad de la estenosis uretral
A urethral stricture is a scar that forms in the urethral channel that connects the bladder to the outside world.
There are many causes of male urethral strictures, but most urethral scars are related to some sort of trauma, either accidental or surgical. Female urethral strictures are often difficult to diagnose and are easily missed. Many of these strictures are caused by the same straddle events that occur in the male patients and they can occur at any level.
Baylor Scott & White Center for Reconstructive Urology uses both endoscopic and open surgical procedures for the treatment of urethral strictures.
More about urethral stricture disease -
Incontinencia urinaria
Incontinencia urinaria
This condition is much more common than most people think, occurring in greater than 40% of American women. The condition should not be considered a normal part of the aging processes and occurs in all age groups. In fact recent studies show that urinary incontinence is becoming quite prevalent among younger women.
Baylor Scott & White Center for Reconstructive Urology performs thorough evaluation of your incontinence and provides a number of treatment options, including:
- Medicamentos
- Ejercicios del suelo pélvico
- Sling
- Bulking agents
- Neuromodulación
Pagar la factura
Baylor Scott & White Health se complace en ofrecerle múltiples opciones para pagar su factura. Vea nuestra guía para comprender su estado de cuenta de Baylor Scott & White.
Ofrecemos dos opciones de pago en línea:
- Make a one-time payment without registering by selecting the "Pay a Bill as a Guest" option.
- Enroll or login to your MyBSWHealth account to view account balances and statements, setup a payment plan or enroll in paperless statements.
Otras opciones de pago:
Pago por correo
Para asegurarse de que su pago se aplique correctamente a su cuenta, separe el comprobante de su estado de cuenta de Baylor Scott & White y devuélvalo con su pago. Si paga con cheque o giro postal, incluya su número de cuenta en el cheque o giro postal.
Envíe el pago por correo a la dirección que figura en su estado de cuenta.
Pagar por teléfono
Payments to HTPN can be made over the phone with our automated phone payment system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day. Please call 1.866.377.1650.
If you need to speak to someone about a bill from a Baylor Scott & White Hospital, our Customer Service department is available to take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and can be reached at 1.800.994.0371.
Pagar en persona
Los pagos se pueden hacer en persona en el centro donde recibió los servicios.
Asistencia financiera
En Baylor Scott & White Health, queremos ser un recurso para usted y su familia. Nuestro equipo de representantes de servicio al cliente y asesores financieros están aquí para ayudarlo a encontrar soluciones financieras que puedan ayudar a cubrir el costo de su atención. Lo alentamos a que hable con un miembro del equipo antes, durante o después de recibir la atención.
Formularios para pacientes
Para garantizar que su visita a nuestra oficina sea lo más conveniente y eficiente posible, nos complace ofrecer nuestros formularios de registro en línea. El formulario de registro del paciente puede completarse electrónicamente e imprimirse para una mejor legibilidad o completarse manualmente.