Primary care in Kyle, TX

If you've been wondering, "where is a primary care physician near me," we have many primary care clinics in Kyle, TX. A primary care physician (PCP) treats patients for common healthcare needs, like your annual physical, immunizations (flu shots and travel medicine), new prescriptions, sore throat, cold or flu symptoms, back pain and even minor injuries and possible broken bones. Your family doctor in Kyle also helps keep you up to date for important preventive health services, like mammograms and colorectal screenings. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure or another chronic condition, your primary care physician provides ongoing monitoring and a consistent voice about your care.Learn more about primary care

Reasons to visit a primary care physician
  • Annual physicals
  • Disease prevention
  • Vacunas
  • Wellness and prevention screenings
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses
  • Same-day care, where available
  • Educación del paciente
Primary care conditions treated
  • Cold and flu symptoms
  • Alergias
  • Asma
  • Alta presion sanguinea
  • Colesterol alto
  • Diabetes
  • Mental health needs
  • Sore back
  • Infección del tracto urinario (ITU)
  • Rash without fever

Preguntas frecuentes

  • What is family medicine?
    Family medicine is a general term used to describe the routine care provided by a primary care physician in . These medical experts provide a wide range of primary care, including annual wellness visits, routine immunizations, mental health assessments, and ongoing treatment for common chronic medical conditions.
  • How to find a primary care doctor
    Find a primary care doctor near you to schedule an appointment in Kyle at Baylor Scott & White.
  • What is a primary care provider?
    A primary care provider is a general practitioner (also called a family doctor) who provides ongoing, routine care. Common things that primary care providers see patients for include annual wellness check-ups, immunizations, health screenings, and chronic disease management.
  • How to find a primary care physician who offers video visits?
    If you'd like to talk to a primary care provider remotely during a virtual care appointment, you can easily search for a primary care physician who offers video visits.