Cómo hablar con su médico acerca de una segunda opinión

Navegando por el cuidado de la salud

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Cuando le han dicho que tiene una afección potencialmente mortal, como una enfermedad cardíaca, y que necesita un procedimiento importante, como una cirugía a corazón abierto, no solo es una buena idea buscar una segunda opinión, sino que muchos médicos lo recomiendan. .

Tradicionalmente, las segundas opiniones a menudo se han asociado con diagnósticos complicados o graves, pero se están volviendo mucho más comunes para una variedad de afecciones a medida que la atención médica cambia a una dinámica mucho más empoderada por el paciente.

"Con frecuencia veo segundas opiniones sobre pacientes que pueden estar buscando tranquilidad con respecto a una decisión de otro médico o incluso solo para ver si hay tecnologías más nuevas y menos invasivas disponibles", dijo Tony Das, MD, cardiólogo en el área médica. personal del Centro Médico Baylor Scott & White – Plano. Un paciente bien informado que busca una segunda opinión siempre se siente aliviado cuando está tomando una decisión difícil. “Como proveedores de atención médica, nuestro trabajo es tranquilizar a los pacientes”.

Como paciente, se le considera un socio igualitario en su atención médica y se le anima a defenderse en las decisiones médicas.

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of physicians welcome the idea of their patients seeking a second opinion and see it as good medical practice. In fact, many of them are more than willing to give you a referral to a colleague or specialist. You can also research another cardiovascular specialist on your own, but be sure to look for expert cardiologists who have ample experience with your particular condition or recommended treatment procedure. With so much medical information available online, it’s important to seek out reputable sources like medical institutions, health care systems, national medical organizations and peer-reviewed medical studies.

Si está considerando una segunda opinión, es posible que se esté preguntando cuál es la mejor manera de conversar con su médico. Aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudar a que el proceso transcurra sin problemas.

  1. Don’t be afraid to talk to your physician about getting a second opinion. It’s important to know that a competent physician will not be insulted or threatened by this request. Seeking a second opinion is not a criticism of your doctor — it is one of the best ways you can advocate for yourself and find the best solution possible for your well-being.
  2. Don’t keep your decision to seek a second opinion a secret from your doctor. Be open and honest with your physician. You want both doctors to feel comfortable having an open conversation about your case. In order to get a second opinion, the doctor you consult with will need all of your records from your primary physician. Any information about bloodwork, tests, radiology scans, etc. is vital in helping them determine the best course of action.
  3. Remember that ultimately, the choice is yours. After talking with your doctor and doing your due diligence to get a second opinion, make the best decision possible, but be confident and know that the decision is all yours.

We know navigating your healthcare options can be confusing, especially when it comes to serious heart conditions. To help ease decision-making, Baylor Scott & White The Heart Hospital – Plano has established the Cardiovascular Second Opinion Center. Our experienced specialists at the Center conduct a review of each patient’s case and consult with experts at one of the 10 specialty clinics at The Heart Hospital – Plano Outpatient Services to ensure their case is thoroughly examined. To learn more about the Cardiovascular Second Opinion Center, visit our website or call to make an appointment.

Looking for a second opinion? Find a doctor near you.

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