Nos ayudan a traer práctica en los debates de la salud para el SXSW

Novedades e Innovación

by Jacob Sloan


South by Southwest® (SXSW®) es una conferencia muy especial que celebra la convergencia de las industrias interactiva, cinematográfica y musical. Durante unas pocas semanas de marzo, reúne a personas de todo el mundo en Austin, Texas.

Durante SXSW, toda la ciudad de Austin está repleta de disrupción digital, innovación y soluciones listas para usar, y Baylor Scott & White Health quisiera su ayuda para prestar nuestra voz a la discusión.

Al ser parte de esta y otras discusiones saludables sobre cómo mejorar la prestación de atención médica, esperamos acelerar el ritmo al que mejoramos la salud y el bienestar personalizados que brindamos a nuestras comunidades en todo Texas.

Los oradores y los paneles se seleccionan para SXSW a través de un proceso llamado The PanelPicker®. Las puntuaciones se basan en los votos del personal, los consejos asesores y el público. Ahí es donde necesitamos su apoyo.

Hemos enviado los siguientes cinco paneles para que formen parte de la pista Health & MedTech. Con sus votos, tendremos la oportunidad de presentar estas ideas a la comunidad en Austin este marzo, compartir en lo que hemos estado trabajando y aprender junto con personas de una variedad de industrias.

Cómo los científicos de Texas entrenan cuerpos para combatir el cáncer

The silver bullet in the War on Cancer may just be inside of us. By harnessing the power of the body’s own sophisticated immune system, scientists here in Texas are making great strides in treating nine different types of cancer including melanoma, lung and breast cancer. Rather than using a “Scorched Earth” approach with toxic chemotherapies and radiation treatments that cause damage to surrounding tissue, new advances in immunotherapy and precision medicine are targeting tumors head on like a smart bomb. The next frontier of cancer treatment is you—your body’s own immune system cells trained to fight cancer.

Adoptando la disrupción digital para reinventar el cuidado de la salud

While healthcare has lagged behind other industries in adopting new, disruptive technologies, consumer expectations have continued to shift. We live in a world where convenience trumps all, and most services are available at the push of a button. Why can’t healthcare be the same? This panel will discuss how delivery models can transform the way patients experience and access healthcare and how Baylor Scott & White Health has embraced digital innovations by collaborating with entrepreneurs and startups to redesign traditional care models and simplify complex problems.

Mejorar su defensa de las redes sociales

When activated employees share brand content, organizations see an exponential leap in overall engagement, increased exposure to new audiences, and almost 24 times more reshares. But what if your employee audience is constantly mobile, distributed and providing life-saving care to patients? This panel will reveal key takeaways from physician and employee engagement initiatives taking place at Baylor Scott & White Health and Mayo Clinic and how each leveraged their size and physician influencers to build brand loyalty internally and externally, including how each organization got buy-in from their medical staff and leadership and what tools have been most effective.

Equilibrar la ética y la innovación en medicina

At some point in all of our lives, we are faced with heavy end-of-life decisions, and, oftentimes, we are left to make these decisions for our loved ones as well without advanced directives. In an increasingly innovative field, these decisions are no longer black and white. As advances in medicine continue to push boundaries, where do we draw the line in protecting our human values? After a life-changing diagnosis, how do we strike the delicate balance between our ethics and advancing medicine? This panel will cover broad ethical concepts that arise in living donor transplantation, palliative care and advancing treatment options within the boundaries we hold dear.

Tomando la modales junto a la cama en línea y en las redes sociales

Consumer brands and customer service professionals have devoted time and resources to monitoring what is said about them online for many years now. Listening centers give these organizations the ability to react, triage, and engage with comments in real-time. But, in a hospital setting, where customer service departments are not the norm, tackling the legal and operational challenges of such an initiative stops many in their tracks. This panel will present a case study on how and why Baylor Scott & White Health built a robust listening solution for the communities they serve and how data and reputation insight from this project has changed the way the health care organization operates.

Su apoyo para traer estos paneles a SXSW significa mucho para nosotros. Comparta este enlace con sus amigos y colegas si desea ayudarnos más en nuestra búsqueda para aprender y colaborar en SXSW.

Sobre el Autor

Jacob es el ex director de tecnología de marketing y compromiso digital de Baylor Scott & White Health.

Más temas para explorar

Lo hacemos fácil.

La atención médica no tiene por qué ser difícil. Constantemente buscamos maneras de hacerlo más fácil para que usted pueda mejorar y permanecer así.

MEJOR tools make it easier

Todos tenemos diferentes necesidades de atención médica. Manéjelos a su manera con la aplicación MyBSWHealth. Descargue la aplicación hoy y adopte un enfoque práctico para su atención médica.

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