Prevención de errores fatales en el asiento del automóvil

Salud infantil

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Para los bebés pequeños, puede parecer que están durmiendo constantemente. Mientras mira a su hijo descansando tan pacíficamente, la idea de que la tragedia podría ocurrir en ese momento parecería inimaginable.

Each year in the United States, there are about 3,500 Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID). These deaths occur among infants less than one year old and have no immediately obvious cause.

Ya sea que su bebé se duerma en sus brazos mientras lo amamanta o en un portabebés mientras hace mandados, es importante conocer los riesgos asociados con las muertes infantiles.

Uno de los lugares menos obvios en los que su hijo puede estar en riesgo es mientras duerme en un portabebés, si no se usa para el propósito previsto o en el ángulo correcto.

Molly Grinstead, MPH, CPST, a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, is passionate about educating parents and caregivers to help keep children safe. Grinstead says infant car seats are crash tested at a 30 to 45 degree angle, and maintaining this position in the vehicle is essential to the child’s safety.

“No es seguro poner a dormir a un bebé en el asiento del automóvil en lugar de en la cuna”, dijo Grinstead. “Sin embargo, es una línea muy fina porque, mientras viaja en el automóvil, si el asiento está instalado correctamente y el niño no tiene problemas médicos, está bien que el niño duerma en su asiento”.

Mover el asiento de seguridad infantil cuando el niño está durmiendo

Si su bebé se queda dormido mientras está en el portabebés, tiene algunas opciones:

If you are returning home: Move the child from the infant carrier to his or her crib. Grinstead said the safest way for an infant to sleep is flat on his back. If you move the infant carrier into a quiet room, this can put your child in danger or at risk for positional asphyxiation. The baby may be at an incorrect angle, is no longer being aroused as he would in the car, and he is removed from constant monitoring.

If you are running errands: Grinstead said that if your baby falls asleep while in the car and you have things to do, make sure you do not put the baby on the top part of the shopping cart. This position is not balanced and the car seat could tip over. The best place to put the carrier is in the main part of the cart, or connect it to a stroller designed for your car seat. The baby should remain in view and monitored constantly. Chances are your baby is not going to be in as deep of a sleep, due to constantly being bumped or aroused.

If you are driving long distances. If your child is asleep while in the car, there should not pose any risks while sleeping. However, if the child is not properly harnessed, there could be danger, especially in the event of a crash. Grinstead suggested the harness straps need to be at our below shoulder level, and tightened so you are unable to pinch the material at the shoulder. The chest clip should remain at armpit level. Nothing should come between the harness and the child, including coats, blankets, toys, or extra padding. Some children may be at risk for airway obstruction due to premature birth or other condition. Be sure to contact a child passenger safety technician and ensure your car seat is installed properly. For an inspection locator, or to see more about passenger safety laws, visit

“Los asientos de automóviles y las colisiones de vehículos motorizados son la principal causa de muerte de niños 19 y menores”, dijo Grinstead. “El uso correcto del asiento para el automóvil puede ayudar a prevenir esas lesiones. Es realmente importante porque nuestros niños más pequeños y frágiles corren mayor riesgo, y los asientos de seguridad usados correctamente pueden mantenerlos realmente seguros”.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo instalar correctamente un asiento de seguridad para niños, consulte este video informativo.

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