3 exercises to relieve lower back pain


by Jesse Cooper, DC


We’ve all heard the old adage, “if it hurts, don’t do it,” at some point in our lives. Well, I’m here to share with you that if your back hurts, this popular belief in avoidance as the solution could not be further from the truth.

In fact, avoiding activities may actually lead to Más Dolor de espalda, debility and fear of movement in the long term. The latest evidence on back pain and exercise tells us the best ways to respond to back pain are light stretching and modifying physical activity. Notice that “avoiding activity” and “resting” are not part of these research findings to achieve lower back pain relief.

Todos los días me preguntan qué ejercicios son mejores para la espalda. Como parte de mi práctica, prescribo regularmente programas de ejercicios en el hogar, y hay una razón para ello: el movimiento es un componente esencial del cuidado de la columna de alto valor.

Los grandes 3 ejercicios para una columna sana

Aunque algunas personas responden de manera diferente a movimientos particulares durante las evaluaciones funcionales realizadas en el consultorio, hay tres ejercicios principales que practican prácticamente todos mis pacientes. Estos ejercicios, conocidos cariñosamente en la comunidad de la columna vertebral como "The Big 3", se anuncian como formas seguras y efectivas de desarrollar la resistencia de la columna y ayudar a reducir el dolor lumbar. Fueron creados con el objetivo de lograr la estabilidad del núcleo.

Related: Lower back pain? Try yoga

Hay progresiones para cada ejercicio para un total de ocho variaciones diferentes. Generalmente aconsejo tres series de 15 repeticiones.

Pero primero, una advertencia: la forma correcta es vital para la efectividad de "The Big 3". Debe detenerse antes de cansarse demasiado para mantener la técnica adecuada y ayudar a prevenir cualquier patrón de movimiento disfuncional adicional.

1. Procedimiento de perro pájaro

Arrodíllate a cuatro patas con las rodillas debajo de las caderas y las manos debajo de los hombros. Mantenga una postura neutra de la columna vertebral y una abrazadera abdominal ligera en todo momento. El aspecto clave con respecto a la forma es el mantenimiento de una postura neutral de la columna, ya que la mayoría de las personas rotarán o extenderán la columna lumbar.

Consejo: equilibre una botella de agua de plástico corta y medio llena sobre su espalda. Cualquier rotación o extensión de la columna hará que la botella se caiga.

Beginner: Straighten alternate legs in line with the torso, holding each repetition for three seconds.

Intermediate: Straighten alternate legs with the opposite arm in line with the torso, holding each repetition for three seconds.

Advanced: Bring your knees very close together and your hands very close together. Complete 15 repetitions on one side before moving onto the opposite side. In this way, the knee and hand simply brush the floor with each repetition instead of going into a supporting position and alternating.

2. Procedimiento de Curl-Up

Acuéstese boca arriba con una pierna estirada, una pierna flexionada y asuma una postura neutral de la columna y una abrazadera abdominal ligera. Coloque las manos en el espacio entre la colchoneta y la zona lumbar para ayudar a sostener la columna durante el ejercicio.

Beginner: Keeping your elbows on the floor, lift your braced, straight torso a few centimeters off the floor. Your head stays in line with the torso rather than bending forward. Use your elbows/arms to slightly assist the curl-up, and hold each repetition for three seconds.

Advanced: Maintain the same position as Beginner except that each repetition is performed with the elbows raised off the floor, making the curl-up more demanding.

3. Procedimiento de puente lateral

Acuéstese de lado apoyado en su codo con las rodillas flexionadas y la pelvis (caderas) posterior a las rodillas. Coloque su mano libre sobre el hombro de apoyo para que pueda usarse para comprimir y estabilizar el hombro durante el ejercicio.

Beginner: Assuming a neutral spine posture and light abdominal brace, lift into a side bridge from the knees by raising the pelvis (hips) and pushing them forward, so the thighs and torso form a straight line. Hold the side bridge for five seconds in each repetition before resuming the starting position.

Intermediate: This is the same as Beginner, but the side bridge is performed with straight legs and with the upper foot in front of the lower foot.

Advanced: After holding each side bridge for five seconds, go straight into the plank position (without resuming the starting point), then into a side bridge on the opposite side without any twist in your torso or lumbar spine.

Recuerde, no todos los dolores de espalda son iguales. A veces, el dolor de espalda no responde a los ejercicios de bricolaje o remedios caseros.

If you are experiencing functionally limiting pain lasting several weeks, numbness progressing into the legs or pain causing you to miss work, see your healthcare provider to find spine care near you. Chiropractic care is a safe way to get you back on your feet with a plan to improve your function, strength and endurance moving forward.

Discover how you can move better today.

Sobre el Autor

Jesse Cooper, DC, is a chiropractor on staff at Baylor Scott & White Clinic – Round Rock 300 University. Dr. Cooper has an expertise in chronic pain, functional rehabilitation and interdisciplinary collaboration. He helped establish the Department of Chiropractic Medicine within Baylor Scott & White Health. He has a passion for research and continues to publish studies aimed at improving spine care and modernizing chiropractic education. He enjoys volunteering his time at Georgetown High School athletic events and the Wounded Warrior Project. When he is not busy caring for patients, Dr. Cooper loves hiking, fishing and spending time with his friends and family.

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