Realidad o ficción: 6 mitos comunes sobre el embarazo

El embarazo

by LeAnn Haddock, MD


When you’re pregnant — especially for the first time — you have so many questions along the way. Friends, relatives and co-workers seem to love offering their guidance on the many dos and don’ts of this exciting and wonderful experience.

Sometimes it can be tough to separate the facts from the myths. When in doubt, it’s always best to check with your OB/GYN and to follow his or her expert advice.

Embarazo Hechos vs. Ficción

Aquí hay seis hechos comunes y conceptos erróneos que me preguntan mis pacientes:

1. Teñirse el cabello durante el embarazo es perjudicial para el bebé.

Fiction. This is usually the first question my patients ask. Hair dyes used today are so organic, and they really don’t cause problems. If you’re dying your hair where it touches the scalp, and you want to be extra careful, don’t do it in the first trimester. But you can do caps and foils at any time.

2. Las mujeres embarazadas no deben comer sushi.

Fact. I would not recommend eating raw sushi. There’s always a risk of getting a parasite or bacteria when eating raw fish. During pregnancy, that parasite or bacteria can go to the baby. Eating cooked sushi is usually fine, as long as the restaurant is reputable.

3. Es seguro para mí hacerme una radiografía mientras estoy embarazada.

Fact. The amount of radiation in an X-ray you get from your dentist or from a chest X-ray is so minuscule, you would need to have thousands of X-rays in the first trimester to even see any fetal damage. Computerized tomography scans or other radiological studies do have more radiation, but if the benefit outweighs the risk, it is okay to have them done.

4. Puedo tomar cafeína mientras estoy embarazada.

Fact. There are no birth defects shown with caffeine use. The risk of miscarriage and fertility issues has been refuted. However, we do tell people to limit it. It’s a stimulant and a diuretic, so one cup per day is probably reasonable. I always tell my patients to drink a cup of water with it. If you drink it in excessive amounts, you can cause things like heart palpitations and other things that aren’t very fun while you’re pregnant.

5. No te preocupes por tu dieta porque estás comiendo por dos.

Fiction. One of my nurses used to say, “If you gain more than the recommended 25 or 30 pounds in your pregnancy, it’s yours to keep.” You will gain weight during pregnancy — and you do need to gain weight — but you really only need 300 more calories per day. Be smart about what you eat, because any excessive weight gain will be yours to keep later.

Related: How your diet can impact your pregnancy

6. Debo vacunarme contra la gripe mientras estoy embarazada.

Fact. Influenza can kill. Pregnant women are at high risk for complications from the flu. The flu vaccine has shown no complications in pregnant women. Anytime during the pregnancy, and absolutely during flu season, you need your flu shot. No excuses!

Pregnancy on the brain? You’re not the only mom-to-be with questions. Get the answers today.

Sobre el Autor

La Dra. LeAnn Haddock es obstetra y ginecóloga del personal médico del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Baylor en Dallas.

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