Su equipo de atención: colaborando por el bien de los pacientes

Navegando por el cuidado de la salud

by Cole Laughter, BSN, FNP   and Eric Alford, MD


¿Alguna vez ha decidido programar una cita con el médico y se le ha dado la opción de ver a una enfermera practicante oa un asistente médico antes? Confiar en un profesional médico es una decisión importante. Por eso es vital entender cómo funciona un equipo de atención, para que pueda estar tranquilo sabiendo que su salud está en buenas manos.

Meet Eric Alford, MD, and Cole Laughter, BSN, FNP, a physician/nurse practitioner team that works together daily to provide personalized and quality primary care in Brenham. Here, they discuss what that means and why it matters for you.

¿Qué es un equipo de atención?

Dr. Alford: A care team includes a physician and staff caring for a group of patients. The care team is made up of a physician, advanced practice professionals, licensed vocational nurses, medical assistants and/or a clinical social workers. This is different from the traditional model, where the main relationship is solely between the patient and physician.

En Baylor Scott & White en Brenham, el trabajo en equipo es el sello distintivo del éxito. Esto ha llevado a la creación de equipos de atención en nuestros servicios de atención primaria. Los miembros del equipo trabajan al máximo de sus licencias para ofrecer una atención médica mejor, más eficiente y de calidad.  

Related: What is a primary care physician and why do I have a care team?

¿Cuál es su papel dentro de su equipo de atención?

Dr. Alford: My role as a physician is to serve as the team leader and expert. If someone on my care team has a question or needs additional support, they’ll come to me. Because of my education and expertise, I typically work with patients who have more complex needs.

Cole: As a nurse practitioner, I completed advanced education and training, allowing me to evaluate, diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions—everything from the common cold to hypertension, diabetes and heart failure. I’m able to perform the appropriate exams, write prescriptions, order specialized tests and listen to my patients’ concerns.

¿Cómo trabajar en equipo brinda una mejor atención a sus pacientes?

Cole: This model gives patients better access to their healthcare team. Since I’ve worked with Dr. Alford, patient access has drastically improved. Some patients were waiting multiple weeks to see Dr. Alford with simple questions or complications. Now, those patients can schedule a same-day appointment with me.

Dr. Alford: This model provides patients with two important things.

  • Continuity of care: I always tell a patient that if they can’t see me, they can stay within our healthcare family by seeing Cole. We are our patients’ healthcare home. When a patient comes in, I can tell Cole, “You’ve never met this patient, but here is their history and what you need to know.” Cole and I see the same medical records. These are huge benefits for patients to see us instead of going to a freestanding clinic or hospital emergency department.
  • A family-oriented approach to care: Since I live and work in Brenham, I share this home with my patients. Because of this, I care for my friends and neighbors whom I see in the grocery store, in church and at the park. Our goal is to know our patients so well that they feel like family. We work as a healthcare team so that we can be efficient and effective in caring for our neighbors.

¿Cómo es trabajar juntos?

Cole: Because I work side by side with Dr. Alford, I can easily turn to him and ask, “I know you’ve seen this patient a lot. What do you think?” I’m able to ask him questions quickly. We are truly a team and come together for the greater good of each patient.

Dr. Alford: Cole and I work together as partners. Cole is quickly becoming one of my best friends because we work next to each other all day, every day. I provide Cole support and assistance as needed to improve overall care for the patient. He serves a vital role in our practice.

Don’t have a care team? Find a doctor near you today.

Sobre el Autor

Cole Laughter, BSN, FNP, is a nurse practitioner at Baylor Scott & White – The Brenham Clinic. Cole was raised in Bellville, a short drive from Brenham. He chose to pursue a career in healthcare because it is constantly changing, providing learning opportunities each day. Cole earned his Bachelor of Science in nursing at Prairie View A&M University and his Master of Science – family nurse practitioner degree at University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

El Dr. Alford es médico de familia y director médico regional de las clínicas Baylor Scott & White en Brenham. El Dr. Alford se especializa en brindar atención médica integral para todas las edades.  

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