Por qué nunca debes saltarte una mamografía

La salud de la mujer

by Sean Raj, MD


We’ve known for a long time that mammograms are an important wellness tool for all women to keep up with as they age. But now, we have even more proof. In a recent study, women who completed consecutive regularly scheduled appointments for mammograms had a far lower risk of mortality from breast cancer post-diagnosis.

Entonces, ¿qué significa exactamente esta nueva investigación y por qué es importante? Vamos a averiguar. 

Una sola mamografía podría salvar tu vida

Ya sabemos que saltarse las mamografías de detección de rutina puede ser muy peligroso para las mujeres, y esta nueva investigación confirma investigaciones anteriores. Además, demuestra que la mamografía de detección anual y constante reduce el riesgo de morir de cáncer de mama.

On the flip side, regular mammograms are one of the best things you can do as a woman to stay well as you age. Beginning at age 40, women should have a screening Mamograma every year. Furthermore, women at high risk for developing breast cancer (due to family history or other risk factors) may benefit from early mammography or supplemental screening. Talk to your doctor about what screening schedule is best for you.

Qué esperar durante una mamografía

  • Before: There’s nothing you need to do to prepare before a mammogram. However, women with cyclical tender breasts may benefit from scheduling their mammograms between days 7 and 14 of their menstrual cycle, which is when breasts are often less tender.
  • During: A screening mammogram consists of four views—two of each breast—and the entire process takes about 10-15 minutes to perform. Getting a mammogram is not painful, but may be a little uncomfortable.
  • After: You will usually learn of your results within 24 hours. 90% of screening mammograms are considered normal, but approximately 10% of patients will return for additional imaging. The good news is, the vast majority of these will ultimately be benign, or non-cancerous.

Hábitos saludables para senos saludables

Si bien las mamografías son fundamentales para mantener una buena salud de los senos, hay muchos cambios en el estilo de vida que también pueden ayudar a mantenerla sana. Estas son seis reglas de vida simples que pueden ayudarlo a vivir una vida más larga, feliz y saludable:

  1. Hacer ejercicio regularmente.
  2. Mantener un peso corporal saludable.
  3. Consuma una dieta saludable.
  4. No fumes
  5. Limite el consumo de alcohol.
  6. Hágase todos los exámenes de detección recomendados, incluida una mamografía de detección anual a partir de los 40 años.

If you are due or past due for a mammogram, schedule your mammogram online today at a breast imaging center near you.

Sobre el Autor

Sean Raj, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist on the medical staff at Centro médico de la Universidad Baylor and serves as medical director of the Darlene G. Cass Breast Imaging Centers and the High Risk Breast Program.

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