Entonces, recibió la vacuna COVID- 19. ¿Ahora que?


by Baylor Scott & White Health


La información y la orientación sobre la atención y la vacunación contra el COVID-19 continúan evolucionando. Consulte los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades para obtener la información más reciente.

Getting the COVID-19 vaccine is a critical step toward protecting you from the virus, but remember — its effect isn’t immediate. Getting vaccinated also doesn’t mean you can let up on those important safety measures. Here’s what to know and what to do after you get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Obtenga su segunda dosis, si corresponde.

If this is your first dose and the vaccine you are receiving requires two doses, make sure you get the second dose at the appropriate time. You should get your second dose as close to the recommended interval as possible. Learn more about the different types of vaccines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) here.

Sigue usando mascarilla.

It takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination. COVID-19 vaccines that require two shots may not protect you until a week or two after your second shot. So, continue to wear a mask, physically distance from others and wash your hands often, even after vaccination. For more specific guidelines on life after vaccination, consult these CDC post-vaccination guidelines.

Cuidado con los efectos secundarios.

While mild side effects are to be expected, the likelihood of experiencing severe side effects is less than .5%. Side effects may feel like the flu and even affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever after getting vaccinated for mild side effects like soreness or Fiebre (as long as your doctor has told you they are safe for you). 

Para reducir el dolor o la incomodidad alrededor del área de la inyección:

  • Aplique un paño limpio, fresco y húmedo sobre el área. 
  • Usa o ejercita tu brazo. 

Para reducir las molestias de la fiebre:

  • Beber mucho líquido.
  • Vístete ligero. 

Si cree que podría estar teniendo una reacción alérgica grave o una emergencia después de abandonar el sitio de vacunación, llame al 911.

Dígaselo a su médico.

If you are a current Baylor Scott & White patient and got vaccinated at a non-Baylor Scott & White facility, upload vaccination proof to Mybswhealth or take it to your next doctor’s visit. As vaccination continues, it’s important for your doctor to have this information on file.


Para lograr la inmunidad colectiva contra el COVID-19, los expertos sugieren que necesitaremos al menos un 70 % de la población inmunizada. Puede ayudar en el esfuerzo compartiendo su experiencia y alentando a sus amigos y familiares a vacunarse.

Visit our COVID-19 vaccine page for the latest updates. We will continue to keep you informed and empowered with the facts while we work to vaccinate as many Texans as possible. 

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