Clima y dolor en las articulaciones: no es un cuento de esposas

Salud de las articulaciones

by Mohamed Nizar Mahomed, MD


Can the weather really cause Dolor en las articulaciones?

It’s no wives’ tale—people with Artritis and other joint conditions may be able to tell when the weather is going to change.

Cold and damp weather tend to make joint pain worse, particularly in people with Osteoartritis, Artritis reumatoide, lupus and other disorders involving the joints. Even people who developed post-traumatic arthritis from past sports injuries can experience this.

The weather-joint pain connection

Although researchers have studied the weather-pain connection for years, we still can’t definitively say why some people can physically feel a shift in outdoor conditions. One theory is that the drop in barometric pressure before a storm or cold front may trigger joint aches and swelling in some people. This decreasing pressure means air presses a little less on your body, allowing tissues to swell slightly, which can irritate your joints.

The speed at which the pressure changes also makes a difference. A sudden drop in pressure as a storm blows into town creates more noticeable aches than a slow, gradual pressure decline.

Cold weather may also worsen symptoms by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow, causing stiffness.

How to get relief from weather-related joint pain

Texans are most likely to experience weather-related pain during fall and winter. While our winters are generally mild, frequent cold fronts and occasional winter storms can still make your joints ache. Spring thunderstorms can also trigger it.

While there’s no cure for weather-related pain, there are many simple steps you can take to minimize your discomfort. The next time the weather gives your joints grief, try these tips for relief:


Mantenga su hogar bien calentado y caliente su automóvil antes de conducir para reducir el dolor en las articulaciones relacionado con el clima frío.

Detener la hinchazón

Wear compression stockings or gloves to minimize swelling when the weather shifts. You can also take an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen (unless your doctor recommends otherwise), or apply heat or ice to the swollen area.

Mantenerse activo

Walk or perform other low-impact indoor activities to help move synovial fluid through your joints, which can help reduce stiffness and pain. But be careful not to do too much or you could aggravate the swelling.

Tired of joint pain? Discover how you can move better.

Sobre el Autor

Mohamed Nizar Mahomed, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon practicing in the Dallas area. He specializes in adult hip and knee reconstruction, lower extremity trauma, knee arthroscopy, and knee and hip injuries. Dr. Mahomed also uses robotics in surgery to enhance patient care.

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