¿Está preparado para una emergencia de diabetes?


by Baylor Scott & White Health


Be prepared. The classic Scout motto, and a pretty good one for anyone with Type 1 or 2 diabetes, too. It’s what we tell everyone who comes through our diabetes self-care training. Preparation reduces risks of costly diabetes-related complications, now and down the road.

Entonces, adelante, complete la breve encuesta de lista de verificación a continuación para descubrir qué tan preparado está realmente, o puede estar.

¿Tiene un dispositivo portátil de identificación de diabetes?

Medical IDs are an essential, readily available, even fashionable piece of jewelry. It can be a bracelet, necklace, watch, etc. They speak for you in an emergency, especially if you’re unable to tell someone caring for you that you have diabetes. You should also make sure the Medical ID feature on your cell phone is up to date.

¿Llevas una fuente de carbohidratos contigo?

With some diabetes medications, such as insulin or a sulfonylurea, your blood sugar level can go suddenly too low for all sorts of reasons. That’s why you always carry your glucose meter and several carbohydrate food sources, 15 grams each, with you wherever you go. You check your sugar level, and if it’s low (70mg/dl or below), you pull out a carb like one of these options: 2 tablespoons of raisins, half a banana or over-the-counter chewable glucose tablets.

¿Está al día con todas las vacunas recomendadas?

With Type 1 or 2 diabetes, you’re at higher risk of serious problems from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Some, like the flu, can even make your blood glucose dangerously high. That’s why the CDC vaccine recommendations for adults include an annual Influenza vaccine to protect against seasonal flu, as well as vaccines to protect against pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis B and shingles. Your physician may recommend others for your particular lifestyle, travel habits and health history.

¿Se mantiene al tanto de las áreas comunes de riesgo de diabetes?

Dado que los ojos y los pies son puntos comunes de complicaciones, los exámenes físicos anuales realizados por su oftalmólogo (especialista en ojos) y podólogo (especialista en pies) son una buena práctica estándar. Su médico principal también puede programar otros controles periódicos para sus áreas de riesgo personales.

¿Tienes un plan de alimentación saludable para salir a cenar?

Did you know the annual weight gain we retain year after year typically comes between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, not coincidentally when seasonal celebrations revolve around food? Whether it’s a holiday smorgasbord, a dinner out or a snack at the county fair, having an explicit plan in place will let you enjoy eating out and sticking to your diabetes meal plan.

¿Hay un kit de emergencia empacado y listo para usar?

Estás viajando fuera del estado de vacaciones. Se ha quedado sin electricidad en casa debido al mal tiempo. Su hijo con diabetes tipo 1 regresa a la universidad. Para las personas con diabetes, es fundamental estar preparados para cualquier tipo de cambio en la rutina o situación de emergencia no planificada.

That means having a portable, insulated, waterproof diabetes emergency kit fully stocked with two weeks’ worth of your medications, devices and supplies, along with key medical information like your complete healthcare team’s contact details and a prescription inventory with dosage instructions. You can find diabetes-specific checklists for your own kit from all major national diabetes organizations.

Para las personas con diabetes, es fundamental estar preparados para cualquier tipo de cambio en la rutina o situación de emergencia no planificada.

¿Ha completado un conjunto de directivas médicas avanzadas?

Perhaps you’ve never thought of them this way, but a set of advanced legal medical directives are invaluable self-management tools to have on file with your family and healthcare network. A Living Will, for example, spells out exactly what you want — and don’t want — in a medical crisis. Your doctor should have the state-specific tools and instructions you need to prepare these on or offline.

¿Ha informado a su círculo de apoyo interno acerca de los procedimientos clave para la diabetes?

Even with a one-stop emergency kit, it’s a smart idea to give a lesson to your household, family and friends about your diabetes: how to quickly put their hands on your medicines or your doctor’s phone number, how to recognize when you’re having a low blood sugar episode or give you glucagon for it, even how best to be your supportive safety net.

¿Confía en su autocuidado de la diabetes?

Learning how to self-care effectively day-to-day is still one of the best ways to prepare for the demands of living well with diabetes. Diabetes self-management education is so useful that it’s recommended you see a diabetes educator when you’re first diagnosed, annually thereafter, whenever complications arise and when there’s a change in your care.

Entonces, ¿qué tan preparado estás?

Find an educator near you to help you take charge of diabetes.

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