Por qué un estilo de vida saludable (no una aspirina diaria) es clave para prevenir enfermedades del corazón

La salud del corazón

by Michael Sills, MD


Después de décadas de ver la aspirina en dosis bajas diarias como la recomendación estándar para prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares, parece que ha llegado el momento del cambio.

There has been ongoing discussion and study about the value of aspirin for over 30 years in both the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. For years, doctors prescribed aspirin for Todas patients needing to lower their risk of these diseases.

But the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association now recommend aspirin not be prescribed in the absence of known coronary or vascular disease. Instead, for most people, treatment should focus on healthy lifestyle habits, including physical activity, diet and control of factors like cholesterol, Diabetes risk and blood pressure.

Related: Could your toothbrushing habits predict your risk of heart disease?

Una nueva investigación revela los riesgos potenciales de la aspirina

You may be wondering why this sudden change in guidelines. We know that any medication has the potential for side effects, complications and interactions. What we’ve learned through research is that aspirin therapy comes with a significantly increased risk of bleeding that can potentially offset its value for prevention of cardiovascular events. As a result, it should no longer be routinely used unless you’ve had an evaluation and discussion with your physician about your individual risk of cardiovascular disease and your risk of bleeding. Aspirin is a powerful medication and needs to be viewed like every other medication in terms of its risks and benefits. 

Claramente, la era de la terapia universal con aspirina ha terminado. ¿Entonces que significa esto para usted?

It means aspirin therapy is now reserved for select “high-risk” patients. For people who have had open-heart surgery or stents inserted, or experienced a heart attack or Carrera, aspirin can still be life-saving. But if you don’t qualify as high-risk or already have a diagnosis of heart disease, aspirin should not be part of your preventive regime for keeping your heart healthy.

La aspirina es un medicamento poderoso y debe verse como cualquier otro medicamento en términos de sus riesgos y beneficios. 

Si actualmente está tomando una dosis diaria de aspirina, hable con su médico sobre cómo adaptar su plan de tratamiento a sus necesidades individuales y sobre si la aspirina todavía es adecuada para usted.

It also means a greater emphasis on starting, and maintaining, those healthy habits we already know are good for us. The American College of Cardiology agrees that the most effective way to prevent cardiovascular disease, Insuficiencia cardiaca and atrial fibrillation is by living a healthy lifestyle.

Prevención de enfermedades del corazón a través de un estilo de vida saludable

Analicemos qué entendemos por "estilo de vida saludable".

Coma una dieta saludable para el corazón.

A heart-healthy diet should center around vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish and whole grains. You should limit your consumption of red meats and processed meats, refined carbohydrates, trans fats and foods high in added sugar.

Related: Why I went plant-based and why my patients should, too

Haga de la actividad física una prioridad.

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate Ejercicio or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. Beyond dedicated exercise time, simply try to move more and sit less throughout your day. If you’re new to exercise, find an activity you enjoy — walking around the neighborhood, group fitness classes, yoga, even gardening. Start small, but start today.

Dejar de fumar.

Si fuma, hable con su médico acerca de los pasos que puede tomar hoy para dejar de hacerlo.

Toma el control de tus números.

There are many contributing factors that play a role in influencing your heart health and overall wellbeing. Maintain regular touch points with your primary care physician to help keep track of these key indicators:

How healthy is your heart? Take the heart disease quiz and find out.

Sobre el Autor

Michael Sills, MD, is a cardiologist on the medical staff at Baylor Scott y White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas. His clinical interests include diagnostic and preventive cardiology as well as cardiac imaging. He is an avid runner, chef and proud grandfather.

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