5 consejos para mantenerse saludable mientras viaja durante el ajetreo navideño

Estilo de vida

by Baylor Scott & White Health


The holiday season is here, which means that many of us will be traveling to see our loved ones. But being away during this time doesn't have to mean putting pause on our healthy routines. In fact, it’s vital to keep up with your well-being during the busy season so you can feel your best while celebrating with your friends and family.

Si va a viajar (o a volar) durante las próximas semanas, descubra cinco consejos para mantenerse saludable durante el ajetreo navideño.

1. Prioriza tu salud al viajar

Getting home during the holiday season can feel like a whirlwind, particularly if you’re traveling on an airplane, bus or train, but prioritizing your health doesn't have to take a back seat. Make mindful choices while on the move. Stay hydrated by sipping water regularly and pack your own nutrient-rich snacks like fruits, nuts and granola bars to keep your energy levels up. To keep any pesky germs away, don't forget to pack hand sanitizer. And if you’re in one of the groups that’s especially vulnerable to COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that you consider wearing a mask, even though they are no longer required.

Si está volando, aproveche cualquier oportunidad para estirar las piernas y moverse, ya sea un paseo por el pasillo o un rápido estiramiento de pie. Te sentirás menos dolorido y cansado cuando llegues a tu destino.

2. Nutre tu cuerpo

Sticking to your normal healthy routine during the holidays can be difficult—especially if you’re eating with family and friends rather than cooking for yourself. Try to nourish your body with fruits and vegetables when available and remember to drink lots of water throughout your travels.

En última instancia, las fiestas se tratan de alegría, de estar juntos y de crear recuerdos. Permítete un poco de gracia si comes más dulces de lo habitual o no puedes preparar tu batido de superalimento todas las mañanas; disfrutar el tiempo con tus seres queridos es más importante.

3. Mueve tu cuerpo en movimiento

Traveling for the holidays doesn’t mean you need to sit still. Your exercise routine on the go may not look exactly the same as the one you practice at home, but moving your body each day is a good way to keep your physical and mental health in shape.

Aprovecha la oportunidad de explorar tu entorno, ya sea una ciudad nueva o las calles familiares de tu ciudad natal. Puedes hacer del movimiento diario una actividad familiar e involucrar a todas las personas con las que estás celebrando. ¿Por qué no comenzar una nueva tradición de trote post-pavo o buscar una clase de yoga en línea para que todos puedan probar en su patio trasero? Haga que el movimiento sea divertido e inclusivo.

4. Hidratar, hidratar, hidratar

Holiday parties and family reunions often mean celebrating with a fun cocktail or a glass of wine. Staying hydrated not only makes you feel better the next day, but also supports your overall well-being while away from home. Moderation and drinking a glass of water throughout the night will let you enjoy the festivities without the headache.

5. Encuentra momentos para la atención plena

The holidays can be a whirlwind of activity, but don't forget to carve out moments of quiet for yourself. Whether it's a few minutes of deep breathing, a mindful stroll outside or a short meditation practice, these small pauses can have a big impact on your day and sense of mental well-being.

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