Cómo hablar con su médico sobre la ansiedad

Salud mental

by Baylor Scott & White Health


It can be difficult to bring up feelings of anxiety with your physician. One of the reasons this can be difficult is due to the stigma associated with anxiety and overall mental health. The most important thing is to remember that anxiety affects your health, and it can be managed.

No tengas miedo de hablar sobre la ansiedad.

The first step to bringing up feelings of anxiety is by saying to your primary care physician something like, “I want to discuss what I have been feeling lately.” Many people suffer from anxiety but do not seek treatment.

Los estigmas culturales pueden desempeñar un papel enorme en la forma en que las personas ven la ansiedad. Históricamente, las minorías en los Estados Unidos son menos propensas a buscar tratamiento de salud mental. Existe la idea de que al admitir que tienes ansiedad, estás mostrando un signo de debilidad. 

Está en la naturaleza humana tener episodios de ansiedad. La ansiedad es una respuesta psicológica y fisiológica a las amenazas. Nuestros cuerpos pueden responder a estas amenazas aumentando el ritmo cardíaco, sudando, sintiéndose inquietos, malestar abdominal y náuseas. Estos son síntomas comunes de la ansiedad.

Es importante identificar cuándo esta respuesta fisiológica interrumpe tus actividades cotidianas como ir al trabajo, el aseo personal, disfrutar de la familia y los amigos. Si es así, es hora de hablar con su médico. Aquí hay algunas cosas a tener en cuenta.

It’s confidential. When you discuss your symptoms with your doctor, this conversation is always confidential. This information will not be shared unless you request your provider do so.

Support can help. If you have a supportive family member or friend, consider bringing them to your physician appointment to help you address your anxiety. Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone you trust to initiate the conversation. It can also be difficult to seek treatment if you do not have the support of your family, friends and coworkers.

Take your time. Schedule your appointment to discuss anxiety in an extended time slot if possible. This will help ensure you do not feel rushed.

Try telemedine. Many healthcare providers offer telemedicine visits. This will allow you to have the discussion in the comfort of your own home via video visit.

Stay in touch. Make sure you know the easiest way to contact your provider when you are feeling anxious. Common options include calling, patient portal or nurse triage.

Cómo su médico puede ayudarlo a controlar la ansiedad

Existen varios enfoques que pueden ayudarlo a sobrellevar la ansiedad y puede guiar su propio plan de tratamiento. Una talla no sirve para todos. Es importante ser honesto con su proveedor acerca de cómo le gustaría manejar sus síntomas.

Medication. Many people fear that they will be advised only to start medications. This may be suggested, as medication can be helpful in some cases. But you can say that you prefer conservative or alternative measures. After all, this is your health we’re talking about. Before stopping any medication, discuss this with your provider—stopping abruptly can worsen symptoms.

Lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise and eating healthy can improve your symptoms. We can also incorporate integrative medicine into your plan, which consists of meditation, yoga, emotional support animals, acupuncture and massage therapy to help manage stress.

Overall health. We’ll also evaluate your overall physical health by ruling out thyroid conditions, sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, and autoimmune conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis that can cause anxiety. Managing vitamin D and iron levels can also help improve your symptoms. By just checking your vitals, we can help get to the root cause of your anxiety.

Counseling. Treatment plans can consist of just counseling. Wait times for therapy appointments can be long, but this should not deter you from making an appointment, even if it is 1-2 months away. Keep the appointment and remain proactive by calling to check for cancellations. You can also request to be on a wait list. Feel free to discuss with your doctor if you would like to speak to a therapist with special experience in your area of concern, such as substance abuse, LGBTQ, physical abuse, sexual abuse or cultural disparities.

Sepa que sus síntomas no tienen que ser, ni probablemente serán, resueltos en una sola visita. Y si comienza a tomar medicamentos, no es necesario que los tome por el resto de su vida. Su tratamiento se puede ajustar continuamente.

Muchas personas sufren de ansiedad, demasiadas. Construya una relación positiva con su médico al encontrar un proveedor en el que confíe y con el que se sienta cómodo hablando sobre su sensación de ansiedad. La detección y el tratamiento tempranos son clave para prevenir síntomas graves y mejorar su calidad de vida.

If you are concerned about your anxiety, reach out to your doctor for guidance. Don’t have a primary care physician? Find one near you or get virtual care today.

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