Por qué la meditación es buena para tu corazón

La salud del corazón

by Rohit Parmar, MD, FACC


¿Qué fue lo último que te hizo sentir estresado? ¿Un problema de salud? ¿Un plazo de proyecto? ¿Un gasto inesperado? ¿Un desacuerdo familiar? Todos sentimos estrés, pero cada uno de nosotros reacciona y lo enfrenta a su manera.

Según el grado de estrés que sienta y su reacción, el estrés puede provocar una variedad de problemas de salud, muchos de los cuales afectan la salud de su corazón.

Stress is your body’s natural alarm system — it releases a hormone called adrenaline that speeds up your breathing and heart rate, and elevates your blood pressure.

Researchers continue to study how stress contributes to heart disease, but we already know that it increases risk factors such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol levels. Stress also increases the tendency to smoke, overeat and neglect exercise, all of which contribute to your heart disease risk.

Have you ever considered meditation as a way to cope with stress? According to the American Heart Association, practicing meditation and mindfulness may help you manage your stress and high blood pressure, sleep better, feel more balanced and connected, and even lower your risk of heart disease. These practices often use breathing, quiet contemplation or sustained focus on something, such as an image, phrase or sound, to help you let go of stress and feel calmer and more relaxed.

Some studies have linked meditation to healthier arteries and improved blood flow to the heart. Additional studies are needed to better understand the association between meditation and cardiovascular health, but experts agree that this practice can be good for your heart.

Comenzar es fácil. Investiga un poco y encuentra una clase que enseñe meditación. Recuerda, hay muchos tipos de meditación. Algunos de los tipos populares son:

  • Heartfulness meditation: A heart based meditation that fosters peace, balance and overall wellbeing.
  • Mindfulness meditation: May use an object of focus such as a ringing bell, a chant, touching beads or gazing at an object.
  • Transcendental meditation: Allows your mind to focus inward while staying alert to other thoughts and sensations.

Otros estilos de meditación incluyen: compasión, perspicacia, mantra, zen y otros. Prueba diferentes tipos de meditación para descubrir cuál disfrutas más. La clave es concentrarse en su respiración para que su mente no divague. Si se desvía, llévelo lentamente de regreso a su respiración. Alargue lentamente la cantidad de tiempo que puede permanecer concentrado.

Meditation can help you manage stress, sleep better and feel better. It is a great addition to your overall wellness plan that includes eating healthier, managing your weight and exercising regularly. Meditation is not a substitute for medication or medical treatment, but it can be a way for you to take charge of your health.

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Sobre el Autor

Rohit Parmar, MD, es cardiólogo del personal médico del Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital – Dallas.


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