Asar a la parrilla al aire libre es una excelente alternativa a pararse sobre la estufa de la cocina cuando hace calor

Asar a la parrilla también es una excelente manera de pasar más tiempo al aire libre con amigos y familiares. Si vives en el sur, ¡siempre es la temporada de diversión y barbacoas en el patio trasero!

Aquí hay diez consejos para asar a la parrilla de manera más saludable.

  • Start fresh and clean
    Is this the most fun part of grilling? Absolutely not, but starting with a clean grill can help prevent excess smoke and burning, which can lead to bitter tasting food.
  • Practice safe grilling
    Remember to keep raw meat, vegetables and fruits separated, and use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of the protein.
  • The perfect protein
    Often when you say barbecue, people think of hamburgers, but fish, skinless chicken and lean ground poultry are healthier choices.
  • Don’t skip the marinade
    Marinating or rubbing protein with spices is a great way to add over-the-top flavor all while using less salt. Keep in mind that less is more when it comes to marinade.
  • Go slow and low
    Slow down the cooking time, and use a low flow to keep from burning.
  • Wrap it up
    Wrapping foods in aluminum foil is a foolproof method that reduces the likelihood of overcooking.
  • Choose the perfect side by eating the rainbow
    Vegetables are great for grilling; they are high in fiber and low in calories, and you can also use the marinade on the vegetables.
  • Don’t skip dessert
    Try grilling up some fruit for dessert! The natural sugar caramelizes in the heat giving them extra sweetness and flavor.
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated
    When you are outside in the heat, it is important to stay hydrated to prevent overheating.
  • ¡Divertirse! Cocinar es divertido y una gran manera de poner a prueba tu creatividad.

Consejos cortesía de Kari McDonnough, CDM, Directora de Servicios Dietéticos y Nutrición

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