7 consejos de expertos para dormir para madres cansadas

Relaciones familiares

by Baylor Scott & White Health


Ha escuchado a la anciana en la tienda de comestibles decirle: “Disfruta criando a ese bebé; Pasa tan rápido." Sí, como madre de tres hijos ya puedo ver lo rápido que va. Apenas ayer traje a casa a mi hija recién nacida, tratando de sobrevivir con tres niñas de 3 años o menos.

Es difícil para nosotras, las madres, recordar lo rápido que pasa el tiempo, cuando estamos operando con poco o nada de sueño. Es posible que otras mamás te hayan advertido sobre la falta de sueño en tu baby shower, pero nada es como el verdadero problema.

No hay nada como escuchar a tu bebé cada dos horas, salir de la cama y atender sus necesidades. Nada es como quedarse dormido encorvado en el suelo en medio de la lactancia. Nada es como mecerse durante horas, solo para escuchar un gemido cuando intenta transferir a su bebé a su cuna. Es realmente un servicio que nos une a las mamás.


Because we sacrifice, we feed, we rock and we try everything in the book, we are tied together. We count down the hours to nap time, only to find ourselves staring at pictures of our baby the second they go to sleep. We light up when we hear a coo, and get to rescue them after a long nap. Before we know it, we start telling other moms how fast it goes by. We become that lady in the grocery store.

Entrenamiento del sueño

Hay docenas de trucos para entrenar a tu bebé a dormir, y es difícil decidir qué plan es el adecuado para ti. Descubrí Belly & Beans Associates, una práctica de bienestar posparto dirigida por Christy Bunting-Hill y Jennessa Moore. Su equipo trabaja para empoderar a las familias con confianza, apoyo y aliento, lo que ciertamente puede ser útil cuando las cosas se vuelven abrumadoras.

Una de sus principales iniciativas es el entrenamiento personalizado del sueño, basado en sus décadas de experiencia práctica con el cuidado posparto de recién nacidos y madres.

Si estás leyendo esto a las 2 a. m. o estás pasando un poco de tiempo en Pinterest durante una siesta a las 2 p. m., esperamos que estos consejos rápidos para dormir te ayuden. Tal vez la próxima vez que la mujer te diga que disfrutes de esta etapa, no estarás poniendo los ojos en blanco por falta de sueño.

7 Sugerencias para dormir de Belly & Beans Associates

  1. Make it a priority – Helping your baby establish healthy sleeping can help you find balance in your life. You may put off trying new techniques because you’re exhausted and overwhelmed. It may seem like too much to put effort into sleep training, but the postpartum healing process will take longer when you’re sleep deprived. It’s important that your baby sleeps well so you can sleep. Trust me, when you get a full night’s sleep, you feel like shouting from the roof top, posting it on social media, and it gives you the motivation you need to continue to care for your child.
  2. Introducing a new sleep technique— Belly & Bean coaches say moms must implement a new technique for at least seven to 14 days in order for it to stick. Consistency gives the baby predictability. This allows time for transitioning on the inside and outside. So get out your calendar and stay committed.
  3. Be patient—As you introduce a new sleep pattern, there are three stages your baby will go through. First, the first five to seven days in the reactive stage are the most difficult when your baby will be the most fussy. Then you deal with the responsive stage, when there is a learning period and your baby’s left brain starts to process the transition. Last, your baby will experience the anticipatory stage, usually about four or five days after the responsive stage.
  4. It’s all about consistency – Whatever technique you use at night time, you need to continue to use all night long. This same set of night time techniques should also be used for naps as well. Build sleep associations that provide the baby with continuity. For example, if you swaddle your baby when she goes to bed, keep the baby swaddled all night. Just remember the 80/20 rule. To develop new sleep routine and habits, keep 80 percent consistency and start with 20 percent change at a time.
  5. Find your baby’s cycle—Every baby has a BRAC, meaning a basic rest and activity cycle over 24 hours. Belly & Beans suggest starting wake up time at the same time every day so that their naps will fall with their BRAC every day. Physiologically speaking, your baby should have a 12 hour day. For example, if you wake your baby up at 7:30 a.m., then the baby needs to be asleep by 7:30 p.m.
  6. Meet your baby’s needs— If a baby is upset longer than 30 minutes to an hour, there is usually a key that one of their needs has not been met. Try changing a diaper, feeding or other calming techniques. When the body is sleep deprived, there are things that affect the baby’s health such as memory retention, weakened immune system, sensory operations, and ability to grow over time. As if you didn’t need more incentive for your baby to sleep, the growth hormone is only released when babies are asleep in their REM cycles. Be patient and committed to help meet your baby’s needs.
  7. Things can change—Just when you feel like you’ve got the hang of sleep training, things change. New teeth start to come in, and your angel baby becomes upset and whiny. At the four month mark, babies are also going through neurological growth and their REM cycles shift. There is also an increase in sensory perception at this age, so babies are more aware of their surroundings. Their REM sleep decreases from about 70 percent to 50 percent around this time. The changes that come are just to keep us humble and patient. Stick with it, and you’ll be able to weather the storms during transitions.

Ahí lo tiene, algunos consejos más sobre cómo entrenar a su bebé para dormir. Sobre todo, no tenga miedo de pedir ayuda. Incluso si ha hablado con un millón de mamás, puede haber un truco que funcione para usted y su bebé. Afortunadamente, Belly & Bean cuenta con un entrenador especializado para navegar este período esencial de la crianza de los hijos.

Lo creas o no, no dura para siempre. Aunque he estado cambiando pañales para mis hijas durante cinco años, duermo toda la noche. Hay una luz al final del túnel, y tal vez eso es lo que la mujer de la tienda de comestibles ha descubierto.

Did you have your baby at Baylor Scott & White Health? Vote for us as the “best place to have a baby.”


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