¿Es seguro beber agua embotellada que ha estado expuesta al sol?


by Baylor Scott & White Health


Grabbing a disposable water bottle, particularly when the weather warms up, is an easy way to stay hydrated. But you may want to think twice before you quench your thirst with a bottle you left in your car or sitting outside by the backyard pool.

Most of the billions of plastic water bottles used in the US are made out of polyethylene terephthalate. When this material is heated (like in the cup holder of your hot car), it can release chemicals antimony and bisphenol A, which is commonly known as BPA.

Según la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer, estos químicos podrían ser cancerígenos y dañinos para la salud.

Pero Jane Sadler, MD, médica de medicina familiar del personal médico del Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Plano, dijo que el BPA no es la única preocupación cuando se trata de botellas de agua de plástico y calor extremo.

“A las bacterias les encanta el calor y la humedad”, dijo el Dr. Sadler. “Si piensas en todas las bacterias en tu boca, eso es lo que se regenera y rejuvenece en la botella”.

Because of the bacteria and chemicals that could be floating around inside your water bottle, the doctor said it is important to use them for their intended purpose. That means tossing out those disposable water bottles intended for single use and washing your reusable ones thoroughly with hot, soapy water after each use.

Those eco-friendly reusable bottles left unwashed can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Follow these steps after each use to keep your water bottle at its best.

  • Usa agua jabonosa caliente
  • Déjalo en remojo durante unos minutos.
  • Frote la botella y la tapa con un cepillo para botellas.
  • Secar al aire durante la noche o secar a mano con un paño limpio.

“También queremos asegurarnos de que las botellas de agua se almacenen en un lugar fresco”, dijo el Dr. Sadler. “Y que incluso cuando se están usando, no deben dejarse en un automóvil ni reutilizarse después de eso”.

And if you’re sending your kids to school with a reusable bottle of water to keep them hydrated, remind them to wash their hands before and after they drink from their bottle.  Handwashing will help keep germs they pick up on school surfaces from getting into their drinking water.

Si le preocupa el BPA, compre una botella de agua reutilizable libre de BPA y fácil de limpiar.

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