6 consejos para alcanzar tus objetivos de movimiento durante el invierno

Salud física y deportiva

by Baylor Scott & White Health


A muchos de nosotros nos encanta salir al aire libre en los cálidos meses de verano del año. Pero es natural dudar un poco a la hora de mantenerse activo durante el invierno, cuando hace mucho más frío afuera y los días son más cortos.

Moving your body and getting regular exercise are key pillars of health and well-being. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start on a new fitness journey or a seasoned athlete who wants to keep up with their goals, you can navigate the winter months and set yourself up for success throughout the year.

Consejos para entrenamientos y actividades de invierno.

Desde ajustar su rutina de ejercicios hasta abrigarse para el clima frío, descubra seis consejos sobre cómo alcanzar sus objetivos de movimiento durante los meses de invierno.

1. Pruebe los entrenamientos en interiores

It may seem obvious, but you don’t need to head outdoors to move your body. Embrace the warmth of your living room or local gym. High-intensity interval training, yoga or even a dance workout can keep you energized and motivated. There are plenty of indoor exercise options to try without leaving the house through apps or social media channels, which means there is no need to venture into the cold to hit your goals.

2. Abrígate para disfrutar del aire libre

If you’re set on working out outside, invest in some cold-weather gear—thermal layers, moisture-wicking fabrics and a cozy hat—to keep yourself wrapped up in the chilly temperatures. You’ll find that you quickly warm up if you’re on a brisk walk or run, so layering is important. If you’re partaking in winter sports like hockey, skiing or ice skating, they all have dedicated equipment to wear while out in the elements, like helmets or goggles. Take the time to stock up on the essentials so you can protect yourself while moving around outside.

3. Establezca objetivos de movimiento realistas

Winter can bring its own set of challenges, and that's okay. You can adjust your fitness goals to align with the season. Maybe it's about maintaining your current level of fitness or exploring new activities that you can enjoy instead of your useful training routine. Estableciendo metas realistas ensures you stay focused and small, healthy habits can have a significant impact on your health and well-being.

4. Asegúrate de calentar y enfriar.

Cold muscles need a little extra love. Prioritize a thorough warm-up before starting your workout to prevent injuries and keep your body in good shape. Set aside a few minutes before exercising to do some lunges, squats or jumping jacks. And don't forget to cool down and stretch afterward to keep those muscles happy and flexible.

5. Hidrata y nutre tu cuerpo

In the colder months, it's easy to forget about hydration. But staying well-hydrated is crucial for optimal performance and is so important when you’re exercising each day. The National Academy of Medicine and the Institute of Medicine suggest everyone drink between nine and 13 glasses of water per day.

Además, nutre tu cuerpo con alimentos de temporada ricos en nutrientes. Piense en sopas, guisos y comidas ricas en proteínas para impulsar sus entrenamientos invernales, así como refrigerios simples y saludables como plátanos para mantenerse activo durante todo el día.

6. Mezcla tu rutina de ejercicios de invierno

Keep things interesting by trying new activities. From winter hiking to indoor rock climbing, variety is key to staying on track with your fitness routine. Experimenting with different exercises not only challenges your body but also keeps you excited about staying active. Not able to go for your normal outdoor run? See it as an opportunity to try something new, like a Pilates or yoga class.

El invierno no es necesariamente un obstáculo para el fitness. Con una mentalidad positiva, puedes lograr tus objetivos de movimiento sin importar la temporada.

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